I planned on purchasing a copy of the Autodesk Inventor software but, those plans fell through financially at the last minute.

One of my retired-engineer customers has generously offered to let me use his laptop loaded with an older version of Solidworks until he gets back from his extended vacation; or until I save up the money to pay for my own copy of this software.

Because I'm basically a Mac user, I've been using TurboCad. I'm hoping for a painless transition but, I'm bracing for some more pre-mature hair-loss.

I guess it's all for the best. My informal research has shown that Solidworks users are generally better looking people than Autodesk Inventor users so I should fit right in.:rainfro:

OK, that was just a desperate attempt at humor.

My main reason for posting here was to put you all on notice that now there's one more Solidworks newbie that will be lurking here in search of answers and direct input from time to time. I hope you all will bare with me.
