I don't even know if I'm posting in the right place, folks, so apologies for that to begin. Been looking on here since last summer to find out if I even want to build my own CNC mill (or router, whatever). I used to use them at work before I was forced into retirement. Might as well construct my own, right? Well, everyone's using terms which are foreign to me, and some people are really, REALLY into this stuff!

What I want to do is make some parts out of wood, plastic, and maybe thin aluminum (1/4" max) for R/C models and high powered model rockets. Can't find an all-inclusive list (table, motors, controllers, etc.) to pick apart and make this affordable for me. Looking at maybe a 1' by 2' workpiece size, at the most. If anyone can point me to the right forum, or refer me to some nice plans, builds, and such, that would be most appreciated. I was a toolmaker for 32 years, but never had to go and dig into the electronic guts of some of our machines. Feeling very intimidated.
