Hi guys...my problem..I'm running an Okuma MC600 horiz. Mill with Okuma control OSP7000M...I'm spotting,drilling and tapping alum parts, and for some reason, in just 1 spot in my program,(2 adjacent holes) the 3/4" spot drill sometimes will suddenly drill in 100% RAPID feed rate which will not slow down with neither the Rapid control knob or the feed rate control knob. It then shows an "Error 4204 Alarm D
Feed rate Command Limit Over (replacing)"
All of the other tools (drills,taps) work normally, even at the same locations...just the spot drill. I'm only feeding at 8"/min, and the parameters show max feed rate at 200"/min.
I thought it must be an error in my program causing it to rapid in drill cycle feed, but program looked ok to me...but tonight, it started doing the same thing with the next tool, a drill!
Any ideas of what might be causing this?? and why wouldn't it "stop" the machine before drilling in rapid feedrate?

ps, the rapid "pot" knob will slow the approach in rapid before reaching "R" depth, but once it starts "feeding" in rapid, the pot knob will not affect the speed..it's 100% rapid.
Thanks! Dave in St. Louis, Mo