I was part of the Kickstarter for Full Spectrum's new laser cutter.
I received my laser in late November and have been using it ever since. I figured since their forums are heavily censored I would post a review up here so people can know what it is actually like.

I am being very critical its nothing personal against FSL just feel people need to know all the details.

The laser arrived undamaged and well packed with all components needed except an air pump and exhaust fan.

(I am using a 110 lpm commercial aquarium pump I got of Amazon)

I really like the way the laser is set up it is really simple design. I do have some gripes though. Some are minor some are not.

There is either an issue with the power supply or the power from my home (I live in a mobile home). for some reason the internet drops out or is reduced to a crawl when the machine is on and it doesn't matter if its connected to Lan or not. I've tried all the available outlets with no success. I called FSL and they couldn't figure out why it does this I could ask for a new power supply but I am not certain it would solve anything so for now I will just deal with it.

AFAIK I am the only one who is having this issue so I suspect it is the poor quality of wiring in my home. I plan to move the laser to a friends house to test this theory soon.

The lid has a slight binding which makes it hard to close sometimes.
This was an easy fix I just adjusted the screws on the lid.

The screws that attach the rails to the outer frame were not loctited so they worked loose and my machine was out of square because of this. The top right screw on top of the black rail is impossible to reach without removing the laser tube. this was a pain to fix.

The manual focus attachment is a neat idea but there is a little play ~0.010" left and right.

I talked to FSL on the phone today and they are going to mail me new screws that have knurling on them instead of smooth ones. We'll see if that fixes the issue.

The second mirror is difficult to adjust a removable panel on the left side would be a nice addition so people who have hands bigger than a 6 year old can adjust the mirror without being cramped.

Despite being aligned as per the youtube video they posted the left and right edges are slanted I am not sure why this is happening I just sent an email today (I mostly do engraving so I hadn't really noticed it before)

I decided to call while typing this and they tell me my 3rd mirror is off and gave me some tips on how to do it. I'll update it once I try to fix this.

The air assist tube has a 90 deg elbow on it that works loose. I solved this problem by attaching a zip tie through the hole in the elbow and around the nozzle. It works great now.

I have no gripes about the software. It is updated fairly frequently and seems to work great.

It also prints from the micro sd card (not included) just fine.

So to recap I am a bit annoyed that I had to essentially rebuild certain parts of the laser cutter and the quality control is a bit questionable but
Overall I am impressed with the laser it works great and isn't too expensive

I have not had any issues with FSL support they have been helpful so far.
I have had a few questions that were not approved to post on their forum which royally pissed me off. but nothing I can do about it.

Despite the few glaring issues the laser is a great machine for the price and I would recommend it to anyone who has the ability to do basic troubleshooting and upkeep.

If you have any questions I can try to answer them.