I have been working away on the Momus v2.0 for some time now. I have extended the Y axis by 8 inches and made some substitutions here and there where necessary. For instance the Y plates are thicker as I could not source the specified plate, not a huge change. I also used thicker angle stock for the X rail angles... this did cause some issue with bolt clearance on the right side of the gantry (bearing affixed to lower portion of part 06) as a result I had to grind the heads of the bolts for clearance, again not a huge issue but one that took some time to resolve.

This is my first attempt at any form of metalwork so I've been taking it slow and steady, but the purchase of a cross slide vice for my cheapo drill stand made aligning the drill holes easier when making the aluminium parts. These are normally intended for light milling applications but are really handy as very small alignment adjustments can be made under the drill.

Metal was sourced from Forward Metals Ltd. | Small Quantity Metals in Aluminium | Tube | Round Bar | Sheet | Treadplate
Fasteners were sourced from Stainless Nuts and Bolts, Screws, Fasteners, and Hose Clips - Westfield Fasteners Limited

Find attached some BOM's and substitution charts I made for converting from imperial to metric. *note i'm not complete yet so there may be small omissions/errors

I'll upload a pic shortly, its on my other comp

By the way I'm currently at moving gantry (by hand) stage and have most of the metalwork complete, however, I intend to use the Kress 1050 router so I will have to rethink the Z plate mounting