The $1850 quote was for an upgrade of a Cent V control to a new computer system, using the original motion control boards.

The Cent V box from the back of the machine has to be sent in and they install the single card computer, install the software, and test the motion cards, then return it.

I have no idea what they would do for a Cent IV control, or whether the motion control cards are compatible with such a route.

Your best bet is to phone them and speak to someone there. They were really helpful while I was troubleshooting the work machine, and I figure if you want to know for sure, you might as well speak with the source.

As and aside, the mill that I bought, the control works fine (used it to troubleshoot the work machine, and swapped it in entire, to check it for function) , and the video card is working too. Wahoo!!!:banana:

I suspect I will be going the full upgrade to the single card computer, as soon as I scrape together the required funds. The increase in memory is huge (from 750 or so kb, to 54 Meg) and the comfort factor of newer stuff than the 20+ year old computer running the show seems reasonable.
