Taig/Microproto DSLS 3000, which is a turnkey system (you just have to provide a suitable computer). There is an advantage to getting a system built by one company, as this is (Microproto is the CNC arm of Taig tools) instead of pieced together from various manufacturers, since you'll get knowledgable support with no passing of the buck. The nice thing about the DSLS 3000 is that it monitors position and shuts down if it gets more than a tiny bit off. This can save a part that you've got many hours of work into. The Gecko 540 is a nice controller, especially for the price, but it doesn't do that. If your achieved position is different from the commanded position, an open-loop stepper controller like that will never know, and keep merrily chugging along, even though it's wrong.

Andrew Werby
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