My friendly electrician made a visit and installed a 3 phase outlet on my wall right beside my lathe. I then helped him to run some wiring through the lathe to the main switch, then down to the transformer and then straight into the machine control. There was a logic plug right in front of the terminals that the power was supposed to go into and I was REALLY being cautions not to disturb anything that could lead to me loosing the machine parameters. So instead of unplugging this logic plug we decided to use the existing power supply wiring and splice them into the new cable from the transformer.

We then double checked everything and tested it before powering it up.
My friend manned the switch on the wall outlet and I was at the front of the machine. I flicked the main switch on the front and BANG!!!!!!!!!!
(flame2)(flame2)(flame2)(flame2)(flame2)(flame2)(f lame2)(flame2)(flame2)

Only kidding!!!!!! HA! Bet I had a few of you worried then! Actually the exact opposite happened. I then pressed START and up came the CNC control on the screen. :banana: I released the e-stop and pressed START again and the control came to life but the Hydraulic pump did not start. The Hydraulic pump contactor pulled in but the pump did not go. After powering down and some quick maintenance on the contactor we tried again. Success this time but after about 5 seconds I realized the Hydraulic pump was spinning backwards. We quickly powered down again and swapped 2 phases over on the transformer. Powered on again and up came the hydraulic pressure.

I then went through every function I could find and to my absolute delight, Absolutely everything except for the work light works!!!!! :wee:

Spindle, gear change, tail stock, front and rear turret, X and Z axis, All the buttons on the control panel, Tool presetter arm (tool touch probe is in a cardboard box not actually in the arm) Everything working.

Oh I forgot... The first thing I did once the control powered up was to take photo's of all the parameter screens. I have since burnt them to a CD for safe keeping.

I am very happy.