Sorry, that should have been "IM483" drivers.. The company that makes them is IMS, guess I threw the extra S in there. Looks like there's some on eBay at the moment, but for more $$ than it would cost to just buy Gecko's.. I (and others) got them from a guy selling them as used take-outs from some machine, they were in sets of 3 attached to a larger circuit board for $90. They used to go for $300+ new. Good deal at $30 each, but I wouldn't pay more than say $60 for them..

The eBay driver board you posted uses all-in-one driver chips that seem awfully similar to the Xylotex ones.. From this thread -> it looks like the chips can handle an absolute max of 40v (so 41v = pop), and can only do 270 RPM.. (I think that's with full steps too, so microstepping might be even slower) Check out the chip carnage on page 3 of the thread! That's what the chip on my Xylotex board did. The eBay board is also pre-set at 2.5A max, so you'll need to solder on new resistors if you need to change that to match your motors. (though you can pick a few lower currents with a switch)

All that said, if the price stays at $99 + shipping it might not be bad to at least start with.

Looks like you can get the Gecko G251's on eBay for close to Xylotex prices too.. (but you'd need a breakout board as well) $180 for 3, $234 for 4 of them.. Those are what's in the G540 driver box. Search "Gecko CNC" and it comes back with all kinds of fun stuff.