not sure what really happened,
but i have a question to ask.

did you order a full cnc,ball screw machine in the beginning?
and only pay for the machine upfront like we all had to?
and then decied to back out because of the problem getting it in a timley fashion?

depending on what you were told i could see you getting one knows what you were told but you and him.

i know for a fact he was upfront with me and actually told me once it might be best for me to buy something else before i placed the order.what would make someone tell a customer that. if he was trying to just collect the money and run. i really thought he was tring to be as honest as he could with me. i have been in retail going on 30 years now and i am honest as i can be with my customers. things do happen and you have to be straight with the customer and hope he understands. most people appreciate that, but some get mad and you cannt fix it.
I always look at things from the other i understand your anger to a point.
but think about this.

ok what if you were him.
someone calls you and places an order for a machine valued over $6000 in base machine and add on's. like the cnc,ball screws. he pay's you the upfront amount of the machine.and you get a container order together and place it with your wire transfer the money you gathered less your profit.
then after you wait for your supplier you find out the shipment missed a needed fumigation papers required to load on the boat. a simple thing. but this happens durring the week of christmas.BOOM you are them backed up till first of the year. 2 weeks gone. then get loaded and you wait another 2 weeks to come across the big water. all this time customers are calling you. you are strapped thin money wise and watch as company after company fold up and close all around you in this tough economy, worst since the depression. you struggle to make it and hope it arives as quick as it can. in the time being you have payrole and everything else. you hope the machine arrives as quick as possable to keep your cash flow moving. now it is feb and conatainer is in at port. wait a week in customs and it arrives. you order the other half of the machine componants. VFD drives,steppers drives,cnc gecko drive, and ball screws. which all have to be paid for up front.
ok things go south. stepper motors are wrong, reorder them wait till the wrong one get back and they reship the correct ones. 2 more weeks go by, customers are calling and you cannt do anything till the order get there.
finally you have everything and just need to ship. so you expect the customer to pay the remainder and you ship. the remainder is any profit you would normally have i am guessing.
then you end up with a customer who has decieded to cancel. now what do you do?
i dont know what you could do but be honest with him.

now i dont know what actually happend, but i call every week and just on what i heard him tell me i can put together this possable cause.

i am sorry things went south, and to be honest i dont have mine in hand yet, and who knows i may not recieve it.
but i am hoping mine ships today and within a week i hope to have mine.
i will keep everyone informed on its arival.