"Post guy, (interesting choice of an alias.)"
-Thank you, I'm actually suprised it was not taken yet.

"I didn't need to take a class for FeatureCAM to create a post processor... it's very easy. Why should I have to take a class to create a post for MasterCAM ?"
Never written a Featurecam post, can't comment on them in any way. What I can tell you is that I posted my reply simply to point out that the existing Post Processor Guide for Mastercam is not a tutorial. It is not meant to be. It is what it is, a reference guide to posts and mp which is of great help to someone that understands the basic concepts behind a Mastercam post and is looking for information pertaining to specific functions, system variables or concepts. To answer your question as to why you personally should take a class, I cannot say if you would need to or not. Reading through your various postings over the years on this and many other forums and newsgroups however, I would say that you most likely would be fine with the guide alone.

"I have not used MasterCAM since version 5 and I still have the CNC Software version 5 post manual that I paid for. It's not very well written.... and that's being more than kind."
-A lot has changed in Mastercam since 5 (kind of an understatement). I also have a copy of the book (released in 1997). I still find it useful at times.

"My boss just purchased Learning MasterCAM 9 Step by Step by Valentino and Goldenburg because he is thinking about getting MasterCAM... we have FeatureCAM now. It's a pretty decent book the does a good job of covering 2 1/2 axis mill."
-Haven't read it, don't really need to. There are many tutorial type manuals available for Mastercam however.

"I fail to see why there should not be a book available for someone who does not own MasterCAM and wants to better understand MasterCAM's "unique" post language. I didn't have to own MasterCAM to purchase the MasterCAM manuals for version 5. In fact, I purchased them by driving to Tolland and walking into CNC Software. Now that I live in Arizona this would be much harder to do. "
-I cannot speak for the folks at CNC, but I really believe their focus is on developing the product and supplying their customers with the tools they need to use it to be successful and make money. I'm sure you realise that not every person out there has the skill set required to really understand post processing or how to write posts them selves. There are perhaps hundreds of thousands CNC operators and set up men in the world. Only a small percentage of them have the ability to program their specific machines, never mind to take it to the next level and create a post processor for those same machines. That's why guys like you are valuable and have the jobs that you have. Oh, and BTW, I am sure you could still drive to CNC and buy manuals or the post guide if you wanted to.

"After purchasing a very poorly written book about MasterCAM's post language from CNC Software I would prefer to buy one written by a third party... sort of like Learning MasterCAM V9 Step by Step by Valentino and Goldenburg."
-Good luck. As I said, there isn't anything out there. Perhaps you would be kind enough to create one for everyone?

"I'm sure there must be something available. I just don't know where to find it right now."
-See above
