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Thread: Install help

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Install help

    I'm having a hard to installing the new EMC live cd...
    i am installing on a clean HDD with no other OS on it.

    1st I've booted up from the cd and then installed it. once it reboots the load screen just hangs. i have downloaded the iso a few times and from both servers just to make sure i didn't get a dodge copy.

    that did work so i downloaded the latest ubunto to install.. that works fine but now I am tring to insall EMC from the cd and there is more trouble

    I've downloaded the .sh install file from the linuxcnc site. the terminal opens up. some lines come up and then it closes.. from the linuxcnc site they said the install should come up after this but i get nothing..

    i hope this all makes sence? can any one asist me?
    Thank Mick

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    How much memory do you have? I had to install 256mb before I could run the LiveCD install. Before that the install would hang. I did manage to do a text based install with only 128mb.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    If Ubuntu is already installed on your hard drive and is connected to the internet, go here and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page:


    It will tell you step-by-step how to install EMC2 using the dapper-install script after downloading the EMC2 file. It was easy once I found these instructions. I had 256 Mb ram at the time I installed it but added another 512Mb stick since then.

    The LiveCD didn't run at all for me.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    One other thing. EMC2 currently is compiled for Ubuntu 6.06 LTS only. If you installed Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon instead of the 6.06 LTS on the LiveCD then EMC2 will need to be recompiled for it. A precompiled version of EMC2 will be released when the next LTS release of Ubuntu is available. Unless you know how to recompile EMC2 for 7.10 the best thing to do is install 6.06 LTS and reinstall EMC2 2.2.1.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    thanks for the info..
    acondit - I belive i do have more than 256.. the pc did have XP on it before, but i will check that..

    Carveone - I have already tried that. the terminal openes up and then downloads the key and all they stuff from them websites that pop up in the list then it closes and nothing else happens.. but i am running the newer 7.10 so that might be why..

    Can i download the 6.06 from the ubunto website??

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    I just found the download on the ubuto site.. i will give that a go and try the manual install.
    thanks for your help

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    yes you can download 6.06 from the ubuntu website.


    The alternate install cd can install in text mode and has other unique features - so if your already decided about reinstalling your system and are going to burn the CD anyway I would get this one - you never know when you might want to put ubuntu on another computer and it will work on the slower low RAM PC's... (just a thought)

    BTW - I tried putting EMC2 on 7.10 last night - there are experimental deb files that you run with a dpkg command, the deb files are here on the emc wiki:

    I also just found this:

    But with that said I think installing 6.06 lts is the best idea - at some point you have to ask yourself - do you want to play with your CNC - or do you want to play with Linux???
    "If you have great talents, industry will improve them; if you have but moderate abilities, industry will supply their deficiency." *Sir Joshua Reynolds (1723 - 1792)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Not that this adds any useful info, but I installed 6.06 LTS a couple nights ago, the 'alternate cd' option, and it worked without a hitch.

    EMC installed fine using that script that runs in the shell window...

    now I have motors actually turning. don't give up hope, you'll get there !

    I had to muddle through a couple errors when emc started up, something with a realtime library not starting, but google searches quickly found the answers.

    Keep plugging away at it,

    - John

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    GO to the Lnuxcnc website and follow directions for installing Ubuntu without EMC2 on it. Then follow the directions for adding EMC2

    I had huge problems trying to get the live CD to work and found few sympathetic voices.

    When you install it, there is a long line of code just before you execute the install. It ends in something like " quiet splash" or something similar. Remove the "quiet splash".

    That will post to the screen all the commands executing and if it hangs again, you can at least figure what commands are being executed when the hang occurs.

    I had to add "No Apic" (no idea what it means) at the end of that line of code and it booted right away. Then connected it to a Lan line (it found the internet right off). Using firefox, I got to the Linuxcnc site then finished the EMC2 install.

    Good luck

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Ive finally gotten it to work!
    that you all for your help..

    I downloaded 6.06 from the linuxcnc.org site.. and when i ran it, it hung again in the same spot as the EMC installer did, at the point where is says "mounting root file system"
    so I tried the extra options thingy (F6) and took out the quiet line and found it was stopping on some controller..

    after a bit of googleing this controller and the install stopping on "mounting root file system" I found alot of people also have this issue but it seems everyones cause was slightly different so there was no clear fix for it. but I kept reading people saying make sure you have no USB deivces plugged in during the loading.. which i didn't think I had any untill I realized the front pannel memory card reader would have been usb controlled, so i unplugged it from the motherboard and it worked straight away!!

    now i can stop playing with linux and start hooking up these motors.

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