
Is there some reason you would suggest I DON'T go with the Dynomotion retrofit?
Absolutely not. Dynomotion have been at this a long time and have solid results and I'm sure you will too.

My premise for the suggestions that I have made is that your existing servos and drives are already old, and their ongoing reliability may prove problematic. If you think that is a possibility
the replacing them now would result in you having secondhand components to sell and thereby defray the cost of new servos, but also open a few other choices re controller/software etc.

The Emerson LX-1100 drives for instance, appeared to be in the region of $2000USD, at least that's what a quick scan of Ebay resulted in. If one, and only one, were to crap out then whatever cost
you think you may have saved by retaining the original servos and drives could easily be rendered naught.
