Quote Originally Posted by ICARDENASM View Post
tengo un splindle de 380v 3kw y su vfd 380v 3kw refrigerado per aire pero los compre por separado le pedi al bendedor que me ayudara con las parametros pero me puse de creativo y lo restablesi de frabrica pero aora no puedo confugurarlo para que me de las 18000r/min si al guien me podria ayudar con los parametros que devo de meter gracias
It's probably better to formulate your problem in English. I have now put it into the translator. Hope it´s correct:

I can not configure my vfd 380v 3kw

I have a 380v 3kw splindle and its 380v 3kw air cooled vfd but I bought them separately I asked the seller to help me with the parameters but I got creative and I restored it from the factory but now I can not set it to give me the 18000r/min if anyone could help me with the parameters I should put