Hi PCW - Thks for chipping in. Jerk control is probably said wrong. We are not "controlling" jerk as eng jerk is the result or symptom of rough accelerations. We want to smooth eng jerk via the path (smoothness & radius) or by smoothing accelerations via velocity profile smoothing. We minimise eng jerk for the following:
1) rapids - we want very fast AtoB motion without overshooting or exciting the machine ie minimise settling time
2) Roughing - don't need accuracy but do need to maximise MRR. Heavy MRR will lead to vibration so smoothing jerk minimises delta Accel which minimises inertial forces which means better cutting (generally speaking)
3) finishing - we need position accuracy but at max speed so path accuracy and smooth paths require smooth accels. Constant velocity machining means we will have pathway accels due to inflections in path eg lines to rads

These 3 domains have different inertial conditions so optimisation of motion damping etc is not an easy process. Can be done in toolpathing CAM, can be done via motion feedback and combos of these. Its a big maths mashup... Peter

Rosetta cnc looks interesting https://www.rosettacnc.com/en/