Looks like you need a washdown hose

I feel the same about my 1100 as you do about your 440. I bought it based on my needs and I had reasonable expectations about it's capabilities. So far, the only thing I'm disappointed with is the lack of some additional accessories that I would have liked to have the budget for up front. I think my biggest gripe is the PDB. Granted, my spindle is due for a bit of regular maintenance but I've always disliked the sensitivity to shop air pressure which results in tools being tough to remove in the few PSI before my compressor kicks on. I've been hesitant to loosen the preload on the drawbar washers because of past issues with tool pullout when working with steel but I've learned a lot since then and have found recipes that work well and probably won't cause the same issues I had in my earlier days. Even so, a BT30 spindle is pretty much the top of my list for upgrades. Otherwise, the repeatability and performance is everything I need. Sure more would be better, but coming from decades of having NO machine tools, to having this, I'm content.

What continues to get to me is the people out there who insist these machines aren't worth the metal they're made of. I get that there are bigger, faster, more precise, more capable machines in the world. None that match the price of the tormach's without buying old and used and even then there are power requirements to run them that add more to the start up cost. If that's what a person is after and they have the money for it, then kudos to them. I just want to make parts and so far, I've not had any reason to complain about any of my machines base capabilities.