Hi Shred.

Re "That looks like a great time saver to set tools on center in the lathe. How accurate do the bubble levels make the table?
In mill use, is there an easy way to tell if the platform has tilted a little bit or shifted vertically? Otherwise if you weren't paying attention, tools might end up measured slightly too long.as the table dips or moves on the shaft. "

Good questions. First the rotational accuracy. Yes I have tested that. Remember the tool is on center and so this is actually not that critical, but anyway the alignment is very good. Specifically, with an indicator on the anvil flat near center and the bubble central by eye range +/- it moves no more than +/- 0.001 mm . And even at 5mm off center of the 12mm anvil flat (not that the tool would ever be that far off) the bubble central by eye range +/- means about +/- 0.01mm error.

Re the anvil surface shifting. If the anvil surface tilts, if rotating is what you mean, then the vial bubble shows it has been moved. If you mean shifts within itself, it is sprung against the contacts and stays in its position very accurately (this test is shown at the end of the video)

But in mill mode, I see what you are asking. The mill mode use is so far a bit of an after thought and I have not done a lot of R&D on that application. If there is widespread interest in that application I will need to do more R&D on it, including the platform. So far the interest is mainly for lathe use. But thanks for bringing it to my attention.

Cheers Cliff