Quote Originally Posted by costasantonio View Post
Hello to everyone. I have a problem with my Syntec with 4 axes, actually with the rotary. I have this errors: Motion 17 ZAxis First Positive software limit exeed / Coordinate 40 The1NcProgramL8 exeed software limit or hardware limit. Could you please help me? I don`t know what to do.
Hello costasantonio,

Did you find a solution to this problem already? I have a similar problem on my 3-axis machine with Syntec 6MB. When trying to execute a program it gets stuck in the very beginning when it should go to the first
Z safe at 50mm above the material. The error code is "Motion 18 ZAxis First Negative software limit exeed". If I set Z zero about 200mm above the material it goes to Z+50 but gets stuck when trying to move to Z+25.
When I got the machine, basically all software limits were set up wrong. I also had to change parameters #161 and #162 because the machine only moved like 800mm in X and Y when it was programmed to move 1000mm. When I changed those parameters I also had to change a bunch of other to get the 8-tool carousel working etc.
The -Z software parameter(#2406=-270000) is set about 5mm above the Z negative limit switch so I don´t understand why the machine wants to go somewhere under the machine bed?

Hopefully someone has some suggestions because the chinese seller does not respond so eagerly.

Thanks in advance,