I don't think they compete with the factory mills. A basic Haas, landed on the shop floor, is > $50k, and also gulps air and needs phase converter power from a high-amp 220V circuit. An 1100 is < $25k, and the 440 is $15k, and they plug into the wall outlet you already have. As a hobbyist, there's no way I can turn over enough seat cushions and find loose change to afford the Haas (or Brother, or Mazak, or whatever,) but careful budgeting did allow me to put a Tormach in the garage, and it does what I need it to do.
Some professionals they may be able to go after might be people who run their own little service shop -- yes, it's a business, and yes, it makes money from the machining work they do -- but it's not a global-market price-competitive precision job shop environment. The competition there is really "do it on the manual mill," not a work-cell based automated machining factory floor.