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Thread: Too Much

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Too Much

    A general question that I know others face. 40+ year employee worked into supervisor / programming position. Over last ten years several different upper management persons plugged in all cutting costs by not replacing people when they retire. Three other management personnel have left the shop floor in the last ten years and I have "assumed" their duties along with mine(of course with no salary adjustment). I can't do a good job at any of these as I can't devote the time needed for each. I am stuck doing my (mostly lathe) programming in five to fifteen minute intervals, basically causing me to worry every time I release a new program. Any suggestions?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: Too Much

    Only you can decide. We're not in your shoes.

    I do know that being in a "pressure cooker" work environment is not good for anyone's health, however you value that.
    Secondly, I prefer to find meaning and satisfaction in the work I do. If that can't be met I'd be looking for a possible alternative. Before you do decide on an alternative you will need to explore how feasible it is in your location. Would it require a move to another area? How would it affect your family, or partner?
    Other companies may be on a similar pathway due to changing economic environments, especially with the uncertain times of "trade war" activities. So a change may not necessarily solve the problem. You do need to find peace with yourself and your work related environment. Excessive frustrations over a long term can have negative outcomes.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: Too Much

    Thanks, I am only several years from retirement and live in a small town and there are not other similar businesses here, so I would need to move to change jobs. I do know that this is unhealthy, and have had health issues show up in the past five years that could have been caused or worsened by the stress. At this point in my work career, I just feel that I need to do the best that I can to not let it get to me.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Re: Too Much

    Is it possible to train one or more of your subordinates to take over some of your duties? Maybe you need one or more leads to take some of the load off, part of being a good supervisor is to delegate duties to those that can handle it. Also might be time to have a chat with upper management and explain your concerns. It could be that you are doing the job so well that maybe they have no idea what you are having to accomplish.
    Jim Dawson
    Sandy, Oregon, USA

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: Too Much

    Quote Originally Posted by davek11 View Post
    ... At this point in my work career, I just feel that I need to do the best that I can to not let it get to me.
    That is part of the key to success. Under the circumstances, you know that you did the best that you could do, and that the rest is beyond your control. Then you may be at peace with yourself and still get a good night's rest. Much of our stress comes from trying to control aspects of our lives that we have no control over. Those areas we must let go of.

    Wish you the best...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: Too Much

    Jim, I work in a union shop and the work that the union employees do is well defined. I do have this discussion at times with my direct superiors, but have not tried going over their heads to see about getting help. I don't feel that I am doing the job near as well as I could be doing it, which might just be the past " perfectionist/machinist" in me.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Re: Too Much

    It sounds like when you retire, they'll have to hire 3 people to replace you...
    Andrew Werby

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: Too Much

    I don't want to give that impression, just as programming on todays systems is much more streamlined compared to systems from twenty five years ago, there have been improvements in other areas too that make the work easier, but there is also a time when too many personnel are cut and the load is more than the remaining can do the way it needs to be done.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Re: Too Much

    It can be an issue that will resolve itself in time. But in that time the personal cost to yourself could be high. All the time you do your job right nobody notices only when something goes pearshaped do they sit up and take note. Usally negatively it has to be said and then when you try and explain that " yes you can do it all just not all at once " do they then dissappear and let you get on with it ?? I have a similar issue just at the moment with people retireing and it`s not even an issue of those people not being replaced it`s finding people up to the task !
    I know that the millennials complain about how they are tarred as being snowflakes with no work ethic and perhaps that is unfair as some do wish to strive but they appear to be in the minority.
    We`ve been trying for a year to find a replacement for me so that I can take over the duties of those retiring. We have advertised everywhere and those that have come for interviews not only don`t have the first idea they lack said work ethic. It is all very frustrating as nobody these days seems interested in a career in manufacturing. Yes it`s hard dirty work but it is also very satisfying . God forbid you should break a nail !!!! even those withing the company look at the complexity of the job and don`t want to know. So that leaves me ( Like you davek11 ) in the same frustrating boat.
    My coping method is just do what you can and let those above deall with the issues if they are prepared to listen to your (my ) input. Just don`t get so stressed that you burn out and fall over.

    Chin up mate


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: Too Much

    Syd, Thanks for your response, we have found the same with Millennials, and I will add that they want to be patted on the back regularly for showing up and doing their job. Nothing exceptional, just their job.
    I think I was just venting when I wrote the original thread as my wife is getting tired of hearing it (ha ha).

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Re: Too Much

    Better out than in ) Nothing wrong with a good vent , stops you bursting!

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