hy quinn

it wouldnt work with some er nuts. some of them need the collet to compress a bit to get past the pulling lip : er_nuts and er_collets are crafted within kind-of-similar tolerances, regardless of brand; truth is that collet_deviations are <<< nut_deviations, thus there is a big chance to get a messed up nut, but a low chance to get a messed up collet

but the one i have from maritool has the pulling lip set off center so the collet can drop in slightly to the side without compressing : when it comes to the inner excentric, excentricity and dimension is a thing; but it can also be a shape <> a circle ( like 2 horns, or 2 claws )

if a collet is inside a good nut, and you turn it upside down, so the nut to face the sky, than the collet should fall ( or just hang in there ) ; that's all

maritool boss knows important things, that are in the hot spot, so, if i may, he knows the ' good s**** ' and, most important, he delivers

about your idea : if i got it right, you wish to replace the elastic_collet with a weldon_chuck with er_collet od shape ... just do it

if tool life will be similar, if tir will be normal, then there is no reason not to use a quick rigid er_coolet ( especially to achieve position repetability for the cutting edge ) even more, i would advice reducing the number of parts, thus going from " tool + rigid_collet + nut + holder " to "
tool + a_single_intermediate_part + holder " : this requires more work, but there will be less downtime

there is another way to do it : use a hydraulic collet inside the er collet
( you will work less, but you will pay more ... ) or inside a specialized chuck ( this requires modifing the axle to suit the hydraulic collet )

i hope you will find this reply useful / kindly