Gunmaker, NICE, NICE, NICE.
It reminds me of one of my 1st lathe installs with Milltronics, the guy was cutting some parts with a manual lathe and he had a standing order for 30 a week. and it was talking him ALL week to do it. I did some training and worked with him the afternoon and we put out a part in 7 minutes. WOW was he surprised So, he setup up Monday AM. made the coffee, checked the email, and ??? By Lunch time his week of work was done. The customer was happy with the old "rate" for most of the week, now he has time to make some more income. I say it reminds me be cause of the shape of the part.

If you modified your Fusion 360 post I would be interested in seeing it. As the 360 is such a great value for most of the people on the site, It can be worked with, but you have to work with the whole on line, chat room, wait & wait for a answer and try and retry.

Who says you can't make an old Partner machine learn new tricks. Now, about that double ended, whirlygig that needs 6 lathes tools ;-) The newer software can "drill / peck in X or Y axis. HUM, maybe the "whirligig" thing is not out of reach.

Congrats on a job well done! :-)
