If you search “AE_NOT_FOUND” some of the chatter includes BIOS configuration & update. The errors you posted are suggestive of ROM & HD issues.

Also, you mentioned that you updated the Mint OS. I have done this also without any ill effects but one thing to note is that the SMB configuration file “/etc/samba/smb.conf” that Tormach has modified may get clobbered & you must edit the new file appending the following 2 statements:

include = /home/operator/smb.conf.netbios-name
include = /home/operator/smb.conf.share

So this is what I would do:

  1. Check if there are any new BIOS releases for your motherboard and install the latest version.
  2. Reset the BIOS to it's default settings.
  3. Remove the DVD drive since it’s no longer needed for PathPilot 2 and to eliminate it as a potential piece of faulty hardware.
  4. Download “smartmontools” and check your hard drive.

Note: The next 2 steps require a live version of Linux running from a USB drive.

  1. Using Memtest check that your memory is OK.
  2. Using GParted delete all of the HD partitions.

Finally, reinstall PP and give it a go ...

Edit: If you decide on replacing the HD get a quality SSD instead.