I have a machine that has run for about 12 years. My computer went out on about a year ago and I just now am replacing it and trying to get it going again. I am using a HP laptop that I have run this machine before with. I have it configured to operate as a desktop. My problem is that I am changing from linux to Mach3 and I can't get two of the axis's working. I had a problem and rewired one of the geckos and got it wrong and blew it up. I since got a brand new gecko and am running two of the original geckos. the old ones are a g210 and a g201. I have gotten a new g210 to replace the one I blew up. When wired properly this time the x axis works perfect with the old g210. The y axis only makes noise counting steps but has no movement. The z axis does the same as the Y axis but will move weakly in the negative direction. I rewired the y and the z axis to the old gecko on the x axis and both work as they should. I wired the x axis to the new gecko and am getting the noise but no movement. I know there are jumpers on the new gecko. Could they be set wrong? The old g201 was sent back to geckodrive and they checked it out and said it was working fine. Help please before I go crazy.