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IndustryArena Forum > MetalWorking Machines > Novakon > Truth about the “Novakon Sucks” website
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Truth about the “Novakon Sucks” website

    A scam keeps surfacing time and time again. We would like to expose the “Novakon Sucks” website for the cheap tabloid that it is. Certain claims were brought forward on this independent website in which we have no opportunity to respond to or refute. The author and owner of this web site is a person by the name of Mr. Perry Kay. Mr. Kay has proceeded to create a long winded defamatory commentary about Novakon on his website and since there are no means to post any responses to defend ourselves, we will start by stating them here on this forum. It is our view that the website is an attempt to extort monies from us. Customers have asked us about this website for which we take this opportunity to voice our comments personally.

    Let us start off by saying that this website states that it “might be FOR SALE” which is obviously an attempt to extort monies from us, since no one else would wish to buy a website with the “Novakon” name contained in its title. The website once contained an excerpt of an e-mail from a customer upset with a previous Novakon employee. We recently found out that this e-mail was originally submitted to Mr. Kay back in November 2011 from the same customer that we have been working with for years. Initially, this customer had a legitimate reason to complain about his problem. At that time, management for technical support was channeled through a single person. It is needless to say, negative feedback or details didn’t always reach the boss. Through the diligent efforts from our customer, he managed to reach the owner of Novakon to voice his dissatisfaction personally. He explained his grievance about his technical problem which was easily resolved with an exchange of e-mails, calls and Skype video conferencing. Novakon quickly solved his problem and had his mill up and running. This was corrected years ago. Since then, Novakon has changed the “employment structure” and now all e-mails are personally monitored by the owner of Novakon. This customer has requested the reference of his e-mail be removed from Mr. Kay’s website. It was recently removed and in its place, more derogatory and unsubstantiated comments were added.

    Mr. Kay was at one time a Sherline dealer who has been eliminated as a representative from their company. It is interesting that on his website he recommends the Sherline CNC Mills as well as posting derogatory comments about the Novakon CNC Mills.

    Further details of our efforts to appease Mr. Kay are stated in the following CNCzone post for reference:

    Previous CNCzone post by Novakon

    It is worthy to point out that Mr. Kay waited 11 months after receiving his CNC mill before uncrating it. Novakon made every reasonable effort to satisfy Mr. Kay’s demands. We are of the opinion that Mr. Kay fabricated many of the problems he is stating and his motives are to get a refund for his mill as well as additional extorted monies from Novakon for his website to be taken down. At some point one draws a line and says “enough is enough”. With that being stated, Novakon has ended its efforts to appease Mr. Kay. We wish to be very clear and state that we will never bow to Mr. Kay’s extortion. We are certain that doing so would only further encourage his scam.

    Novakon apologizes to its current and future customers for the inconvenience and confusion this scam has caused. We will continue our commitment to enhance and support the Novakon products in the manner in which our customers expect and deserve. Nothing and no-one will deter us from our goal in providing quality machines at reasonable prices!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Re: Truth about the “Novakon Sucks” website

    I suspect that just about every small CNC machine maker/seller has had to deal with "customers" like this at one time or another. Some folks just naturally turn to bullying to get what they want and its unfortunate that it can adversely affect a company. Anybody with some commons sense will see through the little charade for what it is - BS.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: Truth about the “Novakon Sucks” website

    I don't see how any person with more than a handful of functioning brain cells could look at that site and NOT immediately conclude the owner has some serious emotional problems. His latest post is complaining because he hasn't heard from Novakon "in years"!

    This seems appropriate:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	whatamaroon.jpg 
Views:	0 
Size:	18.1 KB 
ID:	269986

    Ray L.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: Truth about the “Novakon Sucks” website

    if someone give credit that site, I think you better don't deal with that one.. leave your competitors ...

    theres no any fact on that site.. I cant imagine any serious customer would make decision based on that site..

    also possible some legal way to stop it.. question if it worth..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: Truth about the “Novakon Sucks” website

    I want to say a few things. First my experience with novakon in 2010 was negative. I posted my concerns on the general discussion board last week. Who every you had employed to assemble the machines really messed things up for me. I got a machine that was wired wrong and not wired securely. I was very upset that I had just spent 8k and got a pile of junk. I thought I was sunk and being a newbie to machining had no idea how to get this fixed. Seriously opening the back panel and looking a that electronic jungle was daunting. I got no help from novakon until John the boss stepped in. And I must say he saved the day. He via email and skype sessions got me up and running. THANK YOU John! I am still ticked off at the employee who wasted days and I mean days of my time. Shame on that employee!!!! When someone pays you to do a job DO IT and do it right or get out! Don't screw customers and your boss over with your incompetent behavior. This employee cost you a good reputation right off the bat, but now I must say John has come forward and done his duty and helpful above and beyond the duty. Thank you and I plan to continue to do business with you. My NM145 is a great machine especially with the upgrade motor kit I put on it and has been so fun!! I hope you fired the nut job you had in the warehouse and if you haven't you have a serious problem.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Re: Truth about the “Novakon Sucks” website

    Now it is time to lock this thread and make it a sticky at the top of the Novakon forum. Novakon's post and red baby's response says everything that needs to be said.
    Tormach 1100-3, Grizzly G0709 lathe, Clausing 8520 mill, SolidWorks, HSMWorks.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Truth about the “Novakon Sucks” website

    EXTORTION defined:

    When the top of your website states

    NOTICE: This website might be for sale or trade for a working CNC milling machine

    Slander DEFINED:

    From the Novakon sucks joke page

    What is the difference between a Con Man and a Novakon.net Man?
    One cons people out of their money and the other is a criminal wanted by the police.

    Definition of credibility:

    Neither of the above.

    Nuff said.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: Truth about the “Novakon Sucks” website

    that sight is very well best way to put ____ed up its a pain in the arise when I wont to look up novakon that sight makes it very hard to get to the novakon web sight.

    get one of those hacker groups to get ride of it and him or just sue the dum arise.

    if novakon did suck would ray and everyone else do work for novakon to make things better for all they would not so them doing what they do says to me there nothing wrong with there machines ( I might try to stick this on his web sight) so f___ him.

    being disabled is not a hindrance it gives you attitude

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: Truth about the “Novakon Sucks” website

    I'm going to Bump this to keep it near the top until a Mod can "stick it"
    This thread is what was needed to counter that asinine web site with the truth, I'm happy to see Novakon step up to the plate.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: Truth about the “Novakon Sucks” website

    Hi, there's nothing like being ignored to make someone lose interest.....ignore this crud.....he doesn't exist......get on with the business of selling machines......nobody believes a word of a nut case.

    In the words of PT Barnum....(I think)......."It doesn't matter what you say bad about me as long as you mention my name"......apparently he liked publicity at all costs.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Even though I purchased my nm145 used. John was still trying to help me get it sorted out after I rebuilt it from the fire it had. Thanks john. Oh I am still waiting to see if you can send me drawings to modify my cabinet to make it like the new style pro cabinet.

    Mike Hopkins

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Re: Truth about the “Novakon Sucks” website

    I bought my first Novakon machine about 9 months ago. In my research I came across his site and after reading a few lines I dismissed him as kook. John, I think you should not let it get to you. I don't think anyone considering a Novakon mill would be swayed in the slightest by anything he had to say. I wasn't, and my experience this far with Novakon is 100% positive. (that's why I'll buy another in time)

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2015

    Re: Truth about the “Novakon Sucks” website

    I like the price of this machine versus that of a Tormach, but I have to question their judgment over the years, particularly in regards to hiring and contracting decisions. Based on my research, some guy, who they apparently infuriated enough to start a defamation website, was ultimately upset because the support personnel couldn't help him get his machine up and running. Then, the graphic artist they hired decides to create a logo of a man who is either trying to pleasure himself with his mouth or is lying on the floor in the fetal position in utter defeat after spending his child's college tuition on a Canadian-made boat anchor. It makes me think, if I buy this machine and it disappoints me, do I not deserve it?

    Even if this machine is good, that "troll" has effectively caused Novakon to lose a potential customer and master mascot... me. Sad really, especially if this is the result of warrantless accusations and the machine is actually very good, but it is the first time I have actually seen someone angry enough to keep a slander site up and running with regular updates for 5 years and with the ultimate intent of destroying this company's reputation. Additionally, when you Google search "Novakon," the novakonsucks.com is the first to pop up and all of the YouTube video examples I've seen are grainy a.f. and don't give you a real idea of the quality, tolerance, and finish that can be obtained.

    Finally, when I contacted Novakon to ask them about this site, the unnamed respondent wanted to talk about it over the phone. Not that there is anything inherently wrong with that per se, but I typically don't trust people who avoid putting things in writing. It suggests, to me, that they are the type of person who would make promises and later deny that they were made or claim that they were misinterpreted once things didn't pan out.

    What do you all think? Can anyone here effectively argue against the conclusions that I have come to thus far?

    Note: Everything in this post is my opinion and not based on fact. Keep your lawyers away from me!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2015

    Re: Truth about the “Novakon Sucks” website


    Do you still like your Novakon? If you had to do it all over again, would you still purchase one or choose another brand?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: Truth about the “Novakon Sucks” website

    Hi.......well all I can say is if anyone is so stupid as to judge a piece of machinery on someone's drivel opinion, then they are the loser.....they probably won't know what they are buying until the box is opened if they haven't seen it yet or even just a video demo of it actually working.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: Truth about the “Novakon Sucks” website

    Looking4help that sight is complete BS that guy was offered help once they worked out what was wrong with his machine, but he was being a dick a put that sight up and told novakon that if they buy it off him or send him a machine he would take it down, Novakon could of done him for it but why should they when they can post the replies they got from him.

    Novakon are quite open about stuff, ask Ray they gave him 2 machine to build pdb and atc for and he sells them on the novakon sight for novakon. and they make changes to their machine to suit his design. the machine body may not be made in north america but the fancy bits are.

    being disabled is not a hindrance it gives you attitude

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2015

    Re: Truth about the “Novakon Sucks” website


    Lol, gotcha. Like I said, if Novakon really makes a great machine, that is too bad. Unfortunately, most people have been burned in the past with purchases, so when there is a major effort out there by someone who is attempting to "expose" a company for wrongdoing, it has to concern potential customers. Then, when you consider that Tormach is nearly identical on a cost per feature basis, you'd be stupid not to consider your options. Just FYI, there isn't a tormachsucks.com site as far as I am aware, at least with complaints posted.

    Anyway, thanks for your input.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2015

    Re: Truth about the “Novakon Sucks” website


    That's what I've heard; however, if Novakon were my company, I would do a couple of things. First, I'd file a civil suit for defamation (this can be done without an attorney), even if that only resulted in an injunction to have the site shut down, and second, I would take the time to expose the guy for who he is, character-wise. From what I have read, I am not thoroughly convinced that the guy who set up the site was completely out-of-line or that Novakon is 100% guilt-free. Then again, I haven't seen any posts of the email communications either. In any case, it would take a lot for me to get so angry that I would take the time to set up a site to defame someone, let alone keep it going for five years... honestly. It would take getting threaded like this guy claims. Anyway, thanks for your input.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: Truth about the “Novakon Sucks” website

    Dear Looking.
    My suggestion is that before writing off Novakon if possible compare both machines you mentioned. I think you will be surprised by the differences, In my experience Novakon is the better machine, The work envelope is much larger, and you do not need to change belts to get all the speeds plus Novakon has a higher RPM.
    I am on my second Novakon Mill the first was an MN200 gen 2 and I loved it but when the new pro came out with the updated tray and coolant system I had to have it, Selling the old Novakon was a pleasant, and quick experience and I got a high return on my machine after three years of use.
    I dont know where you are located but there are Demo centers scattered around the States and all are Novakon owners who volunteer to show the MIll to people looking to buy Novakon.
    I have shown my mill twice and both parties purchased one after seeing the mill up close and in action.
    Hope this helps
    Ray Mc

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Truth about the “Novakon Sucks” website

    I received a torus Pro a few weeks ago and will be posting a review in the near future.

    There are things I like about it and a few things I don't. I saw that Novakon sucks website and it did make me a bit nervous about what I was getting into. I have a few things to solve although none prevent the mill from working. I have made no efforts at all to improve accuracy and its holding tolerances on the small parts i have been making of no worse than .002. Most within .001. The machine has a couple of quirks but I have been picking away at them.

    I'll post a short review in the near future but mostly I would say you can safely ignore the "Novakon sucks" website.


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