I played around with the system today some more. I reverted back to 4.32 and am having the same issues with the gcode hanging on the M5 user programs. It seems to be a hardware issue as this is occurring more and more frequently. It eventually got to the point where the spindle wouldn't even turn on just after initializing the system. An M3 or M4 command would have no effect. Looking at the digital I/Os in Kmotion I can see that the I/Os associated with turning the spindle on get activated but the LEDs on the Konnect are not reflecting the state in Kmotion. So it's either the kflop or the konnect board. At this point I'm leaning more towards it being the kflop as the system would hang on S commands in the gcode and that has nothing to do with the Konnects. I would try to swap the two Konnect boards with each other to see if the problem changes but that would take a few hours to rewire everything and a good chance of mixing some of the wires up as none of them are labeled. Let me know what you think.
