I have an XHC ShuttlePro which I believe is a WHB03.

The only driver I've been able to find is version 3.3 (I believe). The controller mostly works but there are a couple of issues. First, the picture of the controller that comes up on the configuration menu is slightly different, annoying, but workable. The more important issue is that X, Y, & Z position display on the handheld unit are not correct. The X, Y, & Z on the Mach3 computer screen are correction and increment/decrement correctly with axis movement. However, When moving the X-Axis, the handheld Y-Axis increments/decrements. The Mach3 Y-axis movements cause the Handheld unit's Z-Axis to increment/decrement. And the Mach3 Z axis movements doesn't cause anything to change on the handheld unit. I'm pretty sure this is a driver issue and would like to get the correct driver, probably an older version. Anybody have any clue where I can find old drivers for this unit? Google hasn't been much help...
