Quote Originally Posted by steve123 View Post
I like your epoxy work a lot. I plan to do something similar.
I hope you are planning on closing off the ends of the gantry beam, or it will parallelogram on you.
Nice work!
Thanks Steve! The epoxy forming was fun, I wish I had taken more photos during the process. I wasn't planning on closing off the gantry ends initially. After putting a dial indicator on the temporary Y axis carriage I have discovered that I can deflect the 1/4" thick gantry tube just by squeezing the end. The only problem now is the epoxy beds have been poured on the tube and welding might cause delamination, not to mention deformation of the tube itself. I had thought about bonding a full length diagonal brace inside the tube, maybe something like 14ga or even 11ga sheet. I wonder if I should have closed the ends of the main tubes of the table? The reason I left them open is that the Onsrud router at work has uncapped ends on the gantry and table tubes, granted they are thicker but they are also quite a bit larger. The table is built out of 8"x14"x3/8"wall and the Gantry is 12" square with a 3/8" wall. I am open to suggestions here.

It has taken me a year to get this far and I have some cash burning a hole in my pocket and I want to order motors and drives among other things so I can move forward. I don't really have a deadline but I do have some carvings to make for a job that will be paying for most of this router. I have done tons of reading on motor selection and have confused myself so that is why I am asking for help.Does anybody have anymore input as to what would be best for my router? I am leaning towards servos now but I am unsure of what to buy to be compatible with the 3.2:1 rack and pinion drives I have. I was thinking of buying the biggest servo package from AutomaionTechnologies.com, would there be any problems tuning the drives if the motors are too big? Is having too much torque in a servo really a problem? I just might have to give Automation Technologies and Gecko a call and see if they can offer any advise.