It seems like it may be more than just an isolated case. I have been corresponding with a Grizzly Tech who said that I should try using rubber pads between the drive motor and the lathe. When I checked my lathe it has rubber pads from the factory. His next suggestion was to replace the headstock bearings. I have them ordered but I am not very hopeful that this will solve the problem. I am inclined to believe that it may be a combination of things. First, the headstock casting is very thin. There is not much metal around where the bearings are mounted. This could be part of the problem. Second, these bearings may not be designed for the type of loads that lathes are required to take. Third, the gears in the headstock may just impart some vibrations through the spindle. I would like to try installing some sort of support inside the headstock so that when you pre-load the bearings, you are not just crushing the casting. Grizzly evens warns about not over-tightening the pre-load on the bearings as the casting can break. I believe like you nateman_doo that it is vibration being transferred through the machine.