Ok, so I bought v24 19 November 2011 for a four axis use but after asking why I couldn't get predator to work I was told that it's not really 4 axis. So I upgraded to v25 1 December 2012. Still receiving upgrade to v25 emails up until 26 march 2013,
Doesn't seem like this software is seven years old, well I hope not otherwise it kind of backs up my issues.

I don't know what they charge you guys but it cost me $1200 for v24 so I expected a reasonable package. The simulation was simply horrible and hardly worth including. It would crash or not show correct results.

Ok, so I am familiar with rhino but some of the bobcad interface is just weird. How almost everything you do is a dialogue box on the side that you pick your way through. For example select stock. It's now automatic so quite simple BUT the scroll bars you use to get to the bottom are useless and slow you down, unless you maximise this window and lose other windows for the space, I mean what not have all of the stock select stuff on one page and have a scroll bar that moves at more that one mm per minute.

I fully appreciate businesses need to make money but when you pay for a product I for one expect it to perform. Ok V25 cam is working for me but that was another $500 to get where I should have been in the first place. I know most software companies do the same thing so is it any wonder people get to the point where they just use a pirate copy, that's where I am at now. As a private individual these costs are high.

We are on to v27, I think now, and it appears that every year a new version comes out. To keep up to date is expensive and with so many revisions I would have thought the problems would largely be resolved.

My 5 cents worth