I guess we have had far different experiences... PLA sucks in my book. Too many failed prints that wouldnt stick to the bed, brittle, the filament would break as its feeding into the extruder, and a bracket i made for my rain gauge fell apart after three months outside. The ABS one that replaced it has been fine.

I also had nothing but problems with PLA, the edges of a large object would curl, everyone says they have that problem with ABS but i had that problem with PLA.

I use a heated bed, the green PET tape and ABS juice to wipe the bed before a print, it sticks so well that i have to use a small fan to force cool the part for 20-30 seconds at the end of a print to get it to release from the print bed. Otherwise if i am not in a hurry i just leave it to cool and pops free. The bottom of the printed parts is mirror smooth and perfectly flat. I could never get that with PLA because there was no way to improve adhesion other than trying different tapes or glass, which i tried them all.

ABS doesn't stink depending on the color, transparent and light colors i can't even smell. Black is the worst for odor though, i think its more a factor of the dye in the plastic then it is the plastic itself. My printer is about three feet from my computer and it doesn't produce enough odor to be a bother.

The PLA was just a big headache for me, too many failed prints when the filament broke in the tube to the extruder and i wouldnt know it until it was printing air. I tried a few different brands of PLA thinking it was the cheaper filament but i still had breakage. The other problem about PLA is it absorbs moisture and you have to treat it like a sponge, keep it in a sealed container with dessicant, keep it dry, etc etc... My ABS spools are on a shelf above the printer and they don't give me any trouble.

If you have good luck with PLA then more power to you! I just know i hate the stuff.