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  1. #9041
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Re: The Coming Climate Change

    Study: Fuels from corn waste worse than gas

    Study: Fuels from corn waste worse than gas

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Biofuels made from the leftovers of harvested corn plants are worse than gasoline for global warming in the short term, a study shows, challenging the Obama administration's conclusions that they are a much cleaner oil alternative and will help fight climate change.

    A $500,000 study paid for by the federal government and released Sunday in the peer-reviewed journal Nature Climate Change concludes that biofuels made with corn residue release 7% more greenhouse gases in the early years compared with conventional gasoline.

    The research is among the first to attempt to quantify, over 12 Corn Belt states, how much carbon is lost to the atmosphere when the stalks, leaves and cobs that make up residue are removed and used to make biofuel, instead of left to naturally replenish the soil with carbon. The study found that regardless of how much corn residue is taken off the field, the process contributes to global warming.

  2. #9042
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: The Coming Climate Change

    Is that a fact????.....Global warming, yeah!!!!!....lets have more warming.....recycle all the corn stubs and make lots of bio fuel, then we can bask in the warm weather again.

  3. #9043
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    Jun 2004

    Re: The Coming Climate Change

    Hey fizzissist....., I believe I found fizzycist.. or at least one of his posts. He is about 1/3 the way down in the comments at TARP Bailout Cost Taxpayers $40 Billion.........

  4. #9044
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: The Coming Climate Change

    Cheap imitation. No me.
    .... besides that, I don't completely agree with all of what he says... !

  5. #9045
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Re: The Coming Climate Change

    Interesting !!!!

    Climate change science has become 'blind' to green bias - Telegraph

    ================================================== =============================================
    Global warming research suppressed due to intolerance of skepticism
    16 May 2014

    UN climate chiefs back fracking
    13 Apr 2014

    We should give up trying to save the world from climate change, says James Lovelock
    08 Apr 2014
    ================================================== =============================================

    “Academic freedom is a central aspect to life at University of Reading. It is a very open, positive and supportive environment to work in. I have always felt able to put forward my arguments and opinions without any prejudice.”

    Prof Mike Hulme, Professor of Climate and Culture at King’s College London, said:” This episode tells us a lot about how deeply politicized climate science has become, but how some scientists remain blind to their own biases.”

    Prof Joanna Haigh, Co-Director of the Grantham Institute at Imperial College London, said:"It is regrettable that perceived political stances on the climate issue are apparently so affecting academic activity."

  6. #9046
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    Apr 2007

    Re: The Coming Climate Change

    Wow that is a interesting article. I recall when I was a kiddo I liked the Sunday programs about the Roman Empire and how they would go around with their swords and run things. It was neat. I noted with interest a few years later a book many considered mandatory reading "The rise and Fall of the Roman Empire". I have never read a whole book on the topic. (my Bad?) Later in like I was told of how Greece and Rome fell because of the rise of sin and the decline of the family and high values of morality. I suppose many people have valid points on the issue. There were things like "The Black Death Pandemic" also which did truely devastate the world. I suppose making a observation about such cycles and trying to learn from them in order to avoid such problems are valid. I think if the world goes to He double L then we are in a good spot geographically with great oceans on each side of North and South America as buffers from the majority of people in Europe, Asia, and Africa. I think Australia is very isolated too. I figure with Australia though that those Asians will just paddle their canoe on down and there will be nothing to stop them especially since Australia does not have a good history as far as repelling a serious threat. (like the Japanese) Sorry I had to say that since Ian has a lot to say about US I figure he deserves some feedback.

  7. #9047
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    Re: The Coming Climate Change

    Hee Hee, the Japs never got to us sport, but they did make a dent in the US armour even though they knew it was a lost cause........now we are best friends....hoot hoot.....whereas the Russians who were our best friends in the WW2 era are still our enemies....LOL.

  8. #9048
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: The Coming Climate Change

    Yes we are friends for sure. You must admit we assisted you and helped you though. I recall we used resources to do that. I have always found your country fascinating.
    Quote Originally Posted by handlewanker View Post
    Hee Hee, the Japs never got to us sport, but they did make a dent in the US armour even though they knew it was a lost cause........now we are best friends....hoot hoot.....whereas the Russians who were our best friends in the WW2 era are still our enemies....LOL.

  9. #9049
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    Re: The Coming Climate Change

    Hi, I think nowadays the attitude is "if the cause is just, fight for it".....we've become a bit too choosy with our friends to have a World War again.

    There is a certain amount of money involved to go all out for even a minor war with little to gain, but the USA has to learn that lesson as she is doing now.

    I would agree that friends are friends and need to be shown as such if you want to go the extra yard when it comes to World dominance or World influence, and having friends that will back you no matter what your politics brings you back to the beginning of the 20th Century, when friends backed friends and didn't ask questions why when they had put pen to paper.

    Did anyone see the TV program about OZ politics and the latest political party to gain office with one of the independents (Clive Palmer of P.U.D) stating that he would back the repeal of the carbon tax with no strings attached....and guess who was standing right there next to him......A BIG ROLL OF DRUMS PLEASE AND A GREAT BRAYING OF TRUMPETS........none other than yours truly....AL GORE.

    Yes....AL GORE, the man who made millions supporting the climate change philosophy, and who now supports the back down on the carbon tax.....the carbon tax was supposed to have been imposed to offset the effects of the price some have to pay for the dirty coal burners making us all rich in OZ.

    Definitely another 100 million bucks in the wind now that Palmer and Gore are bosom buddies...so you could be right, that's what friends are for.

  10. #9050
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    Re: The Coming Climate Change

    Quote Originally Posted by roundman View Post
    Yes we are friends for sure. You must admit we assisted you and helped you though. I recall we used resources to do that. I have always found your country fascinating.
    Yeah, we found this country fascinating too, that's why the Aboriginals were deprived of their inheritance way back in the 1800's because it was such a fascinating country, which is a lot more than just thinking of it as a former penal colony.

    Personally I would have to say thank you very much for the friends across the sea friendship back in '39/'45 times, when we had friends who fought to ensure the sh!t that was happening in Europe didn't migrate to the USA, but that's what friends are for.

  11. #9051
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    Nov 2014

    Re: The Coming Climate Change

    To help increase the productivity of farmers' fields, the local government decided in the late 1980s to build a series of small dams to trap the unreliable rainfall and connect these to simple irrigation systems.

  12. #9052
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    Re: The Coming Climate Change

    No worries a patent has been isued for a time machine. We can all go wherever we want to. LOL

  13. #9053
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Re: The Coming Climate Change

    So, is the argument over?

    The fiddling with temperature data is the biggest science scandal ever - Telegraph

    The fiddling with temperature data is the biggest science scandal ever
    New data shows that the “vanishing” of polar ice is not the result of runaway global warming

    When future generations look back on the global-warming scare of the past 30 years, nothing will shock them more than the extent to which the official temperature records – on which the entire panic ultimately rested – were systematically “adjusted” to show the Earth as having warmed much more than the actual data justified.

    Two weeks ago, under the headline “How we are being tricked by flawed data on global warming”, I wrote about Paul Homewood, who, on his Notalotofpeopleknowthat blog, had checked the published temperature graphs for three weather stations in Paraguay against the temperatures that had originally been recorded. In each instance, the actual trend of 60 years of data had been dramatically reversed, so that a cooling trend was changed to one that showed a marked warming.

    This was only the latest of many examples of a practice long recognised by expert observers around the world – one that raises an ever larger question mark over the entire official surface-temperature record.
    “ In questions of power, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” Thomas Jefferson

  14. #9054
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    Re: The Coming Climate Change

    Quote Originally Posted by jhowelb View Post
    So, is the argument over?

    The fiddling with temperature data is the biggest science scandal ever - Telegraph

    The fiddling with temperature data is the biggest science scandal ever.
    IMHO Real double blind studies would end this fraud. Peer review is little more than two thieves agreeing to lie.

  15. #9055
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    Re: The Coming Climate Change

    Peer review is little more than two thieves agreeing to lie.

    Ha ha what an elegant & concise phrase. Combine that with F.T.M. ( Follow The Money ) and you have the basis of an entire industry ! Which also means I guess that the truth would & will be impossible to attain as all the time there`s money to be made no one will upset the apple cart. So someone who does come up with THE truth would be labelled a swivel eyed loon and discredited at every turn. The only way to get to the truth ( IMHO ) is to get rid of the money aspect. Then there may be a slim chance of some proper research and answers. Don`t ask me how to do that !!

  16. #9056
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    Re: The Coming Climate Change

    Quote Originally Posted by Routerfiend View Post
    Peer review is little more than two thieves agreeing to lie.

    Ha ha what an elegant & concise phrase. Combine that with F.T.M. ( Follow The Money ) and you have the basis of an entire industry ! Which also means I guess that the truth would & will be impossible to attain as all the time there`s money to be made no one will upset the apple cart. So someone who does come up with THE truth would be labelled a swivel eyed loon and discredited at every turn. The only way to get to the truth ( IMHO ) is to get rid of the money aspect. Then there may be a slim chance of some proper research and answers. Don`t ask me how to do that !!
    It is not possible to profit from selling the truth.

  17. #9057
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    Re: The Coming Climate Change

    Quite right . So what is the answer ? You can`t rely on politicians to come up with anything even remotely accurate ( remember that apple cart ) Because they are the cause ( In part ) of the problem. The way the government mentality works , in the U.K. at least goes something like this :

    Start with a hypothesis . For example Longevity

    Reasons for the longevity we now enjoy is Dentistry & contraception. Dentistry means we keep our teeth longer therefore better diet/ nutrition . Then contraception , smaller families which means more resources .

    Government conclusion : Dentists using condoms leads to greater longevity . Not only will we make it policy we`ll make it law !!

    . It amazes me how politics seems to lead to more confusion . These so called intelligent people , otherwise know as our betters , (better how ?!) come up with the most ridiculous mandates and mock science and expect us to trust them implicitly .

    So who can you trust ?

  18. #9058
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    Re: The Coming Climate Change

    Quote Originally Posted by Routerfiend View Post

    So who can you trust ?
    the good book says no one, not even your spouse.

    i lost faith in humanity long time ago, you know climate change is interesting, but i think we can handle it.
    we're a long way from 1% CO2

    it really is too bad we're destroying the planet, but i cannot kill someone over it through unjust policies.
    or kill off future generations through forced sterilization and other population control methods, whether chemical or in the form of a "tactical nuke"

    Take america as an example, right now the government writes a check to 40 million people every month, and half of all families recieve some form of gov assistence.
    We'll have a 2:1 debt to GDP ratio at the end of this administration (not that they are responsible for this, but whatever) (real gdp, not the funny numbers from the department of BS)
    You think anyone is going to vote themselves a pay cut?

    In the same way, we will see nothing be done on a global level to fight climate change unless its done at the point of a sword. (not that we could really do anything about it, but its nice to think about)
    And then consider the fact that.. CO2 is probably last on the list of chemicals that is killing the planet.

    if you can get the oceans back up to 10 tons of living flesh per square kilometer... that would be a start..

    btw, the oceans are a carbon sink in the form of methane deposits from decaying crap.. and that carbon sink isn't permanent, it will get released if the ocean warms up.

    btw folks.. it takes about 5000 years for the water cycle.. rain, snow, etc to recycle the entire ocean.
    average precipitation for the world is 20-40 inches of water per year and the average depth of the ocean is 14K feet.. so its pretty easy to run the numbers..
    Even if the average temperature of water entering the ocean was 10C warmer.. it would take 500 years for the ocean to rise 1C.
    so if the oceans are warming up, and there is a lot of fear/bs that this is happening.. its only possible due to steam vents from down below.... and we really don't know what that's capable of..

    as it is now i'm pretty certain there is more coal and oil underground than there is oxygen in the air.. so that is a problem unless we can genetically modify some algae to break hydrogen and oxygen apart.... wouldn't that be interesting..
    random hydrogen oxygen explosions out at sea whenever lightning strikes on a particularly calm day lol... the hydrogen will just boil off into space, that's not a problem.

  19. #9059
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    Re: The Coming Climate Change

    There is a line in Jurassic park that goes "nature always finds a way " I don`t think that anything we do either industrially or militarily will make a big enough impact on the earth that nature isn`t capable of doing a hundred fold stronger. Volcanism , being the biggest threat. Yellowstone being the biggest immediate threat . ( or so it is suggested ) Then there`s Iceland , one or two big ones there under the ice. And these are just a few of the ones we know of. I remember reading somewhere that the Russian Stepp were created by a magma outflow that lasted thousands of years.

    Co2 levels have fluctuated as has the climate , over , and for hundreds of thousands of years , At times of high Co2 levels nature grows trees to absorb it. So Co2 must be a good thing ? The trouble with climate science is that it is beginning to lose face because the "facts" don`t stack up. The CEO of Ryanair was asked what he was doing to offset climate change. His response was that the weather forecasters can`t even tell me with any accuracy what the weather will do in a couple of days ahead, so how in the hell can they predict what it will be in one hundred years from now ??

    I`m not in any way suggesting that it`s ok to pollute and decimate the earth you understand , just how about some proper honest research. Even if they said "we really don`t know " would be far better than the self serving B.S. that they peddle out just to save face. Being wrong for so long and being caught out in a lie ( U.K. University data scandal) is as damaging for the liar as it is for the truth. Muddy the waters enough & the truth will be buried .

    There was even a suggestion that CFCs were not responsible for ozone depletion but nuclear testing was . So , Governments of the world nuked the desserts and coral islands buggered up the ozone layer and then made us feel guilty by blaming hairspray and spray paints. You wicked people with your neat hair , fragrant armpits and shiny cars ! Our nukes are perfectly safe because we`re telling you they are .

    Half truths are no truths. I don`t know is at least honest if not helpful.

  20. #9060
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    Re: The Coming Climate Change

    "The fiddling with temperature data is the biggest science scandal ever - Telegraph" I couldn't agree more and have a look at this one where they say it's risen by more than 5 degrees. Best of all for the liars is that there is no penalty for lying.

    "He fears that if temperatures continue to rise — and they were five degrees higher than average in 2012 and 2013"

    Scientists know there are more giant craters in Siberia, but are nervous to even study them | The Rural

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