
Now some Questions:

o I use soft jaws only, so will have 2 vices (could be 3 depends on model) so table space only needs to be whatever the vices are. Right now from the outside of my jaws is 15", but I can get it down to 14" if I mount the vices differently. These are Tormach 5" vises with 7" Monster Jaws.

Either the Pulsar {Table Slot Distance X: 23.6", Work envelope 15.75"} or the Torus Pro {Table Slot Distance X: 34". Work envelope 24", would appear to satisfy your vise requirements.

o RPM isn't that big of an issue, you can only go so fast in Titanium, so am looking at the Pulsar, but Servo edition is back ordered, and I really need this mill now. Can anyone compare the 2 Novakon's in real life and explain which may be better for my soft jaw titanium diet? I'm about a year behind here on the zone, so pardon my ignorance of some things. Just been busy.

As RPM is not important, the Pulsar has a servo motor with very precise speed control. If you are doing much in the way of tapping it's a hands down winner. The Pro Motor is faster {6000 RPM} and a little more powerful but if I read your requirements correctly that is not important for your type of work.

How long will shipping take to get to my house? The only 2 stories I've followed have been a month or more, I need it next week (not literally)

I'll leave that for Novakon to quote. I suspect it is highly dependant on the stock situation.

o How is the customer service of Novakon? - as you know Tormach for someone who isn't me is AWESOME - as it was when they talked to me.

Always received prompt and relevant responses. I have had a few issues that stumped me {90% my lack of experience} and they were solved by email or over the phone.

o How easy is it to customize a Novakon through software? Do I need a smooth stepper with Servos, and do they provide support? Tormach won't do this, and is another major reason for finding something else - Of course we all know Haas is about the worst there is as far as "proprietary, we will charge you $2,000 to type in an 8digit code for you sort of thing

Unlike some other machines, the mach version is not locked down to an older version. I run and highly recommend the MSM SUPER screen software. {Calypso Ventures}. To call it simply a screen set is to do it an injustice. Amongst many of its advantages are a Master Tool Mode, Touch Plate support {for auto tool measuring}, and a superb set of probing functions. etc. etc.

I noticed a Novakon announcement a short time ago that Smooth Stepper would be standard on all new machines. I have ordered the upgrade. My understanding is that it will eliminate certain parallel port issues and limitations.


The main points to consider in choosing between the Pulsar and the Pro:

1. Work envelope: PULSAR...... PRO
.......................X:...... 15.75............. 24
.......................Y:........ 9.2............... 15
.......................Z:........12.5............. . 11.5

2. Rigid Tapping...... Yes................. No

3. Machine Size & Footprint. I suspect this is not an issue for you.

I have both machines and love them both for different reasons. I refer to the Pulsar as my Tonka Mill and I mean that in a positive way. Being "vertically challenged", I am more comfortable with the Pulsar. It just seems to fit. Whenever tapping is required, I try to make sure it fits on the Pulsar.

If I have a requirement for a large work envelope the Pro is my choice.

Good luck deciding. Whatever your choice I'm sure you will be satisfied.
