looks like you can shove a different software eeprom onto the 1400 board. I'm wondering, what are the consequences of updating the software?

it seems obvious that I'll need to backup my setp, backlash, and ball screw pitch correction values.

is there other data that needs to be transferred into the new software?

anybody know which is the newest software that is compatible with the 1400-4? there are some pcb-0094's on ebay right now with the 96 version software (hopefully that'd bring me more up to date and allow me to use macros over DNC)

looks like my eeprom board is a 1610-0, sys91 board. the next board that I see is the sys96 board which is the one that I found on ebay. it is unclear about which board will go onto which processor, but there is a 1400-4 board on ebay that has a sys96 software board plugged into it in the pictures.

after digging around some more it looks like the 1610-0 card was used with the 1400-2 processor. I am suspicious that the previous owner of my machine upgraded to the 1400-4 cards. all the cards in the machine (like the axis controllers, etc) are the -4 versions. maybe they upgraded the processor, but never put on the newer 1610 software upgrade eeprom?