The thing is in a modern day machine shop programmers are facing the task of modeling the part from a print many goverment organizitions will not give solid models to venders for the fact of security.
So if you want to stay in bussiness these days you better have someone that can design and model parts, fixtures quickly and accuratly so that it will not effect your quote.

I know there are easier progams out there then pro e, But pro e is meant for the serious manufacters that need a one stop software one that does it all from design to controlling the cmms that inspect the parts

If i did not no how to design and solid model a part in an advanced software I would not have a job after all it is the year 2003 we all need to stay up to date in technolgy or China and India will take all the work from the U.S.A.

If i could offer some advice to your programmer that uses MasterCam.
Keep At It in Pro e It will all come together someday and it will benifiet him and your company.