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Thread: V26 upgrade

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  1. #21
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Will the rounding tools be available in V27?

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    V26? Really? Seems like I just got V25 yesterday

    I do like that they FINALLY seemed to do something with the Lathe side. Though I will try the demo first to see what. Don't know if they realize that lathes are not just 'lathes' anymore. They are just as high-tech as mills. There are even 5-axis lathes out there. Haven't seen BCC address live tooling lathes yet, that would be a big step in right direction. As for mill side, I will have to look at the demo and see whats new/improved. The ability to choose any tool anywhere is important. And milling taper threads is STILL a big issue for me. As well as millling normal threads in multiple passes in ONE feature. (Not 3 features for 3 passes.) But the UI and things that Al mentioned do give it a strong reason to take a good look at it. I've still been holding out upgrading to 4-axis mill, maybe this will be the kick that makes me do the upgrade. We will have to see....

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Just to compare my last Onecnc upgrade XR3 to XR5 Mill Pro. was $1600.00
    It’s like maintenance you skip a version you pay to get up to date. But you will get free support.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by TonyW View Post
    V26? Really? Seems like I just got V25 yesterday

    I do like that they FINALLY seemed to do something with the Lathe side. Though I will try the demo first to see what. Don't know if they realize that lathes are not just 'lathes' anymore. They are just as high-tech as mills. There are even 5-axis lathes out there. Haven't seen BCC address live tooling lathes yet, that would be a big step in right direction. As for mill side, I will have to look at the demo and see whats new/improved. The ability to choose any tool anywhere is important. And milling taper threads is STILL a big issue for me. As well as millling normal threads in multiple passes in ONE feature. (Not 3 features for 3 passes.) But the UI and things that Al mentioned do give it a strong reason to take a good look at it. I've still been holding out upgrading to 4-axis mill, maybe this will be the kick that makes me do the upgrade. We will have to see....

    Tony,all your thread issues,I thought was going to be fixed in V25.Those and other little things.That kind of stuff just rubs me wrong when they just go to the next version and not fix the old version.With all the GOOD VIBE created with V25,which improved their image a ton,if they choose just to leave V25 how it is,not going to good for their reputation.Maybe they will have another Update,but if they follow history,NO.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    yes...V25 SHOULD BE FIXED.... I for the life of me cant understand WHY...WHY...WHY no corner rounding tools are mentioned..and the npt thread milling as well...

    V25 is a damn good version...but 1.5 years old..with only 3 updates...one of which was recalled after many of us went ballistic....You guys are on to something and I agree...


    I will hold judgment till i can use a demo version...BUT JUST BY READING WHAT I HAVE READ AND SEEN IN THE RELEASE...I MAY EVEN HAVE TO PASS ON THIS VERSION...

    I certainly cant justify paying money to upgrade just for the features they have added and listed...but i will wait to make that decision after using the demo....

    I am starting to decide that I am NOT liking the fact that they just come out with new version every 1.5 years and just abandon the previous version.... that is not right...
    Big Chipin, spreading tha cheese, I be Big Chipin for days!

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    We bought V25 the day it came out. Never done that before and we paid more than we ever did for an upgrade to stay current. And it has been worth it. I would not be surprised if they add some things in later, as they've been known to do from time to time. I think I've grown quite used to "you got what you got" - I'm not particularly concerned about what wasn't "fixed" before yesterday. V25 does what it does and that's that. To complain as a long time user...I don't know, seems silly. We knew this was coming. I told the sales guy the same last time he called trying to sell extra seats, upgrades. When I got the price, I realized right away V26 was right around the corner. That was 3 weeks ago and here we are. Sticking with my fantastic value in V25 for now.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    ""To complain as a long time user...I don't know, seems silly. We knew this was coming""

    Silly as may,,some things have been reported since initial release,,and all the Kings Horses and all the Kings Men,could not................................

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    it is NOT silly at all to demand that support for a product be giving or continued....

    would you say it is silly if you bought v25 and then 6 months later v26 comes out and they no longer support the previous version...as it has been the case in the past.

    I am not trying to start a pissing match....I very much like v25...and want to stay current..but I am just saying they just cant come out with new version every 1.5-2 years and just walk away from the previous...

    V26 will improve work flow...and the new features are nice...it is just disappointing to not see what a lot of us were asking for included... on that fact alone...it would not warrant a upgrade on my part. But I and many others are feeling like what REALLY warrants an upgrade is the fact that previous versions no longer get the support they use to...and that is my position... when was the last time v24 was updated or v25??? Get my point..

    I am in this software deep at this point..so upgrading isn't cheap... I still just want to see the new demo....I am holding judgment till then...
    Big Chipin, spreading tha cheese, I be Big Chipin for days!

  9. #29
    bobcad guy Guest
    well, I certainly tried to demand fixing problems with bob, and instead of getting you all to support me, us, you chose to try to deflate my arguments, like when I said that advanced rough when using adaptive option was rapiding to depth on the part, and chipping out my endmills, you wanted to argue, not say, hey, that's wrong, we want v25 fixed!!. they unfortunately don't listen to the users to fix the software. how can you peruse this website, and NOT realize you need to address some really bacic issues, threading, tools defaulting to uncalled tools, not being able to control if Z rapids to clearance plane or not, theses are simple fixes, that im sure if you pay them to add scripting would be a simple check box, but why not band together and tell them you want it? I really don't care that much at this point, im using software that does have these checkbox options in it, but, i'm just trying to help you guys.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Well maybe if we quit buying until they fix things maybe things will happen.

    But what the HELL The Government can't even make a budget and we keep buying it.

  11. #31
    bobcad guy Guest
    hey. just have everyone e-mail them everyday, pick some of the most basic issues, and have everyone send the same e-mail everyday asking how can you go on to the next version and not even attempt to fix the problems we discuss day after day here.

  12. #32
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    I have V24 and we bought V25, because we were told it had a major upgrade for mill and lathe. Mill was pretty good, but basically lied to about the lathe side. Absolutely no change whatsoever. I was hoping for improvement as an update for lathe in V25.... now i am told everything that they "HAD IN THE WORKS" is now only available with buying whole nee software!? I have defended bobcad cause they were making great changes, but this is kinda a slap in the face. Kinda pissed and dissapointed in bobcad. Plus like has been said already the price consistently climbs. What happen to affordable?

  13. #33
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Does this mean there is a V4 for SolidWorks users. V4 lathe for me. I do like not the current lathe interface.

    One questions decides a V3 lathe upgrade for me.

    Is there a dedicated boring cycle?


  14. #34
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Big Chips View Post
    it is NOT silly at all to demand that support for a product be giving or continued....

    would you say it is silly if you bought v25 and then 6 months later v26 comes out and they no longer support the previous version...as it has been the case in the past.

    I am not trying to start a pissing match....I very much like v25...and want to stay current..but I am just saying they just cant come out with new version every 1.5-2 years and just walk away from the previous...

    V26 will improve work flow...and the new features are nice...it is just disappointing to not see what a lot of us were asking for included... on that fact alone...it would not warrant a upgrade on my part. But I and many others are feeling like what REALLY warrants an upgrade is the fact that previous versions no longer get the support they use to...and that is my position... when was the last time v24 was updated or v25??? Get my point..

    I am in this software deep at this point..so upgrading isn't cheap... I still just want to see the new demo....I am holding judgment till then...
    I guess what I was suggesting was that if you are a continuous, somewhat longtime user you have essentially been on the maintenance plan already. I'm 5 versions and 10 seats deep. It took me until V24 to figure it out, but looking at my emails and invoices I realized a new release comes out about every 1.5 years. I think there were updates after a new version was released maybe 50 percent of the time at best. If I'm mistaken, anyone else can chime in with their experience. Since purchasing our first piece of software that does "require" maintenance and seeing their update and big fix schedule it doesn't appear that BobCAD is out of line. I believe based on this knowledge I have negotiated my upgrade/maintenance accordingly.

    I'm also disappointed that some feature didn't get further attention. Silly was probably not the right word. I guess I'm just used to it.

  15. #35
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    [QUOTE=SBC Cycle;1356964]Since purchasing our first piece of software that does "require" maintenance and seeing their update and big fix schedule it doesn't appear that BobCAD is out of line. I believe based on this knowledge I have negotiated my upgrade/maintenance accordingly.QUOTE]

    SBC and all

    Might not be "out of line" to you, I have found over the years that it is very much about where you are, who the sales person is and a persons individual negociating skills on what the costs are.
    We are not all born negociators which is fine I suppose for an initial purchase (Live with what you got) but to have to keep on going through the process for every upgrade is as far as I am concerned wearing a bit thin.

    Yes I too have access to another software that does run an annual maintenance system so I am aware of how it works, woe betide the person that skips a year, have to "buy back" any missed years to get all the current updates/upgrades, still cheaper than a new BC every 2 years though even with discounts, current full price for the V26 3 Axis Pro upgrade is shown as $3495
    Need a BIG discount on that for sure

    I will check out the new version when we get the Demo available, currently filling in the form for the V26 "Free Trial" just gets a link sent for a V25 download plus the usual follow up email from sales

    Guess I`m just getting old and a bit tired and looking for a bit easier life


  16. #36
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    oh boy..... AL is going to have a lot of reading to do Monday....LOL
    Big Chipin, spreading tha cheese, I be Big Chipin for days!

  17. #37
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Over the last few years from your feedback you've been really happy with the direction the software is going in. We want to keep this trend going and the V26 is just the next step.

    Please keep this in mind, when it comes to adding what seems like a simple feature here or there results in hundreds of man hours in development and testing and sometimes requires complete re structuring to add features that are wanted. It's somewhat like the butterfly effect.... Add this 1 feature and break 20 others....

    And if own other more expensive package you know CAM vendors use what they call maintenance to sell support, updates and upgrades. With the resent changes in our product line and customers base we are taking a serious look into offering a subscription service for all of our customers. A service that would include upgrades, updates and support. The catch would be not having the server penalties that other CAM vendors charge for not staying on "maintenance".

    If you are a multi axis customer you are already on our subscription service ( 4 axis pro , 5 axis standard , 5 axis pro ) where with your initial purchase you receive 12 months of updates, upgrades and technical support from date of purchase.

    Many of our clients like how we do things now where they can incrementally purchase what they need when they need it. Yet others would prefer to have a subscription service. This is a topic we are taking a deep look into, to provide our customers what they want most.

    As far as the V25, I think it's a great product! I know there are a few topics that some of you feel should be fixed/ added before we moved on to the V26 software.

    Topics like:

    Automatic tool numbers
    Different tool types for 2D features
    Thread Milling, taper thread milling
    HSM options for 2D and 3D

    Some of you feel these are problems in the software that should be fixed with an update, and for others you know these are new features that would need to be added. Drawing that line is not an easy thing to do. We do the best that we can to add as many features we can in a build. Sometime the version gets what you wanted and sometimes it doesn't.

    As far bugs go even though some of you will disagree the V25 is very stable and works well. To say any software is bug free is just crazy, but in the current build of V25 if there are issues that are believed to be bugs, they are documented solutions for how to handle. That might not be the answer you are looking for but it is a fair one. I am sure our development team will review the V25 software and where it's at and if there are any lingering major fixed that need to be made to it's current design intent I am sure they will address it.

    Some of you may not be using the current build of V25 and the problems you are having may already fixed. I recommend you visit the website and read the release notes and download the current build to V25 if it applies to you

    BobCAD-CAM Software Updates | CAD/CAM Software | BobCAD-CAM

    As we roll out the V26 software are are many new features that will be added that aren't in the initial release. Features like corner rounding tools being added to the tool types for profiling. For those that know the software well and there are features you've been asking for that haven't been addressed in the last few versions, please document what you want. Even if you've done it before, doing it again using the following link:

    BobCAM-CAM Software Issue Report, Feature Request | CAD/CAM | BobCAD-CAM

    We want all our customers using the best technology that we have to offer to program their cnc machines. Using the V26 with our Dynamic Machining Strategies provides the highest level of control to program your parts we've ever offered! When you upgrade you'll be glad you did!
    Al DePoalo
    Partner Product Manager BobCAD CAM, Inc. 866-408-3226 X147

  18. #38
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    In the future, it might be better if Bobcad does not roll out the new version on the website before the new version is available as a demo. From reading this thread, it seems that many have already made up their minds before having even tried it out, which would not have been the case if we were able to download the demo already.

    Al, you said "As we roll out the V26 software are are many new features that will be added that aren't in the initial release.". It seems that you're saying V26 will have the corner rounding tool and a strategy for using it? What will Bobcad do for customers who buy V26 early if the feature is never implemented (you know people here will feel they were promised this)? Between your statement of future additions (within the same version) and the lack of available demo, it feels to me like V26 may have been rushed to market a bit too early. It may have been better to release it when all of the features that are intended to be included were working and the demo was done. While I think Bobcad has made strides in becoming a better product and company, this reminds me a bit more of the old Bobcad rather than the new Bobcad.

  19. #39
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    I agree and when the demo version is available for download everyone can take a test drive. It should be available a little latter this week if all goes well. Otherwise at this point we are doing web demos to show off the new version. If you are interested in a web demo just call your sales rep and Cody will do a great job showing off the new features.

    As far as being able to use the corner rounding tool for profile milling, If that is the only reason you want to upgrade I think the best thing for you to do is wait till you see that feature in the software. It may be a few weeks before the first update.... I've spoken with the development team about this feature and to the best of my knowledge it will be in the V26. But your right, I would hate to "promise" you something and not deliver. If that was the case where you based your purchase off my statement in this forum and that feature didn't happen... I would make it right by you.... And for those that know me they know I will.

    IMHO the real value in the V26 is DMS, which applies to all your hole making, 2D features and 3D features. This concept makes a huge difference to the approach you take for machining geometry sets. Also being able to create your own features with the operations you want is awesome! The decision to develop DMS was based on user feedback, many of which are from this forum. You guys are going to love DMS!!!!

    Again the BobCAD CAM software keeps getting better with every version and V26 is just another example of that! You'll see....
    Al DePoalo
    Partner Product Manager BobCAD CAM, Inc. 866-408-3226 X147

  20. #40
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    I spoke with sales for a good while this morning. It sounds like there are even more subtle things that were changed that I haven't seen on the website yet or mentioned here. I'm going to give it a test ride when the demo is available. I'm still not sure I'm all that inclined to upgrade from the quote that I got but I'll give it a shot. There are some enhancements that some of the users here will jump all over in terms of usability and posting control. Cut and paste features, all good stuff.

    That said, the only thing I feel like I'm missing is a few of the multi-axis toolpaths. I still have to upgrade to 4th Pro to get them and that's not in the cards just yet. Last time I checked the 4th Pro was at least $5k (and I was warned the price is going NORTH, not south). There is a LOT of software that offers the same MW toolpath without the expense of "multi-axis". $5,000 for 3 axis CAM goes a long way these days.

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