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  1. #8561
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by fizzissist View Post
    LOL!! As usual..... from a guy whose country elected a sheila named Julia, and she's having THEM bend over.... (flame2)
    Er, Fizzwizz old bean, we didn't elect Julia to office, Kevin Rudd was the chosen one, but by a shift in the preferences Old kev took an overseas trip for his health and Julia Gillard became the new preferred leader of the party.......that's how it works.

    You could call it insider trading, or musical chairs.....when the music stopped Kev goes walk about, and Julia gets the seat, but he's still there.

    Doing a good job too for a country girl, but what would ya'all know about country, whereas in the Lucky Country we don't seem able to put a foot wrong, Carbon Tax included....LOL.

    Perhaps ya'all could take a few lessons from the lucky Country, or maybe you'd prefer to go your own way, the way the Greeks are going?

    I could point the finger and say that your leaders, to whom you have carte blance given the mandate to lead your country, are doing everything but lead.

    As soon as one makes a right mess of things the Plebs polish up another one in the hope that the new boy wonder will work the old shell game trick and come out shining and smelling of roses......are you for real???

    With the massive resources at your disposal, all you have done is enable another country to dip it's hand into your pockets and pick you clean.....that's leadership???....

    Give me Julia anyday, at least she's Australian born and bred, a right Aussie sheila....true blue.

    That doesn't mean Barak OB is not liked, he is quite likeable this side of the pond, but without the support of ALL the people, not just those that put his party into power, but ALL of the people, he might just as well go push sh!t uphill with a sharp stick for all the good he'll be doing.

    The people really wanted this guy, turned out in huge numbers even though voting is not compulsory like it is in OZ, where you get fined if you don't go and vote on election day.

    The irony is the other half, who did not vote for him, are now expecting him to bail THEM out of the mess they have gotten themselves into.

    I think Jesus Christ knew exactly what it was like to try and save the souls of the unrepentants who did not support him.....LOL.....but that was 2,000 years ago....nothing's changed.

  2. #8562
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    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by petersenonmain View Post
    Handlewanker: 3million votes out of 8 states out of 120 milion votes does not constitute a mandate when it would have only taken 400,000 in 4 states to have elected Romney instead. You should remember that the good old USA was smart enough to help control the tyranny of the majority through the electoral collage which gives the states the same representation as they have in the two houses of congress.
    Hi Peters, I don't pretend to understand your system of politics, but if it doesn't represent the true wishes of the people...all of the people, or perhaps just ALL of those that bother to take an interest in the outcome of the leadership challenge by getting out of bed and voting, then you have no hope of making sense of a predicament that now looms like a superrstorm on your everyday horizon and must tolerate the measures the chosen one dictates.

    I'm just waiting for the day when the B' OB administration attempts to instigate austerity measures and the people go out onto the streets and start rioting......the old North and South routine again.

  3. #8563
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    The People's Cube - Political Humor & Satire - as seen on GBTV
    The People's Cube, it's like a Rubik's cube, only all sides are red, for equality of outcomes.

  4. #8564
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Handlewanker: I would rather have 3million informed voters that knew what is going on then 200 million that didn't have a clue, which is the case now. To say that everyone should have thier vote is to say that we should be ran by the least informed in society which is the real way to run a country or world into the ground.

  5. #8565
    Join Date
    Jul 2004


    Anyone here read 350.org? It's where climate activism meets on the interweb. If y'all want to argue numbers, think about the mere 5.2 million cubic tons of burnt carbon it'll take to raise the earth's temperature another full degree. We've got 22 million more tons than that on reserve right now.

  6. #8566
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by dang View Post
    Anyone here read 350.org? It's where climate activism meets on the interweb. If y'all want to argue numbers, think about the mere 5.2 million cubic tons of burnt carbon it'll take to raise the earth's temperature another full degree. We've got 22 million more tons than that on reserve right now.
    Well familiar with 350.

    As for your claim "..the mere 5.2 million cubic tons of burnt carbon it'll take to raise the earth's temperature another full degree."

    Prove it.

  7. #8567
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    dang: It sure is easy to pick numbers out of thin air to make a lie sound good.

  8. #8568
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    rapture will be here any minute...

    The minister at the big box church I went to last Sunday told me The Rapture is just around the corner, so all this stuff is irrelevant. I thought that sounded great, so I threw a fifty in the plate, and prayed devoutly that I will soon become a millionaire.
    My main machine: Multicam MG series (MG101) with original Extratech H971 controller, Minarik servo motors, Electro-Craft BRU-series drives, 4KW Colombo. Let's talk Multicam!

  9. #8569
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Global Warming

    Better off buying lottery tickets!

  10. #8570
    Join Date
    Jul 2004


    Oops! Y'all are right, the proper number is 565 metric gigatons of burnt CO2, for another 2 degrees centigrade worth of worldwide temperature.

    Here's proof. Do the Math - Because We > Fossil Fuels.

  11. #8571
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Less is more!

  12. #8572
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Sucker Born Every Minute...

    Quote Originally Posted by dang View Post
    Oops! Y'all are right, the proper number is 565 metric gigatons of burnt CO2, for another 2 degrees centigrade worth of worldwide temperature.

    Here's proof. Do the Math - Because We > Fossil Fuels.
    Ya gotta love McKibben. And Hansen. And Mann... The 3 Stooges of Science

    Good to see someone else signed up in the fan club. (chair)

    Bill McKibben’s ‘Tabloid Climatology’ claims about Sandy are easily debunked | Watts Up With That?

    ----If the concern over CO2 is so sincere, then why are they driving all over the country in a F'n BUS ("sustainable" or otherwise.. it's STILL got a 'carbon footprint'!!)???? No different that Gore flying in an airliner all over the country ... spreading the message.... That we must change our lifestyle?

    It's the same as if PETA were driving around the country killing a lamb every night in front of big audiences to promote vegetarianism.

  13. #8573
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    ‎"The greater the ignorance the greater the dogmatism."
    ~ Sir William Osler

  14. #8574
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by dang View Post
    Less is more!
    Since you're a lover of Snake Oil, you'll LOVE this...

    Power4Patriots | Free Video Presentation

    Lemme know how this works out for you!

  15. #8575
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by fizzissist View Post
    Since you're a lover of Snake Oil, you'll LOVE this...

    Power4Patriots | Free Video Presentation

    Lemme know how this works out for you!
    Snake oil indeed....where do you come with DIY solar panels and heaters being snake oil, most of the technology is basic stuff now anyway, just sourcing the DIY materials is the only hard part.

    The current PV panels on the commercial market in OZ go at approx $2,500 for a 3 KW unit, and as you know in the Lucky Country the Sun shines almost all year round for nix.

    I don't think the wind turbine for my back garden would work, too obtrusive.

    If you only reduce your heating and electricity bills by 10%, then that's money in your pocket.

    People I know who have bought the systems, and are getting the returns, pay almost no electricity bills for the year or very little , like my mate who has a 5 KW system and paid nothing for the last two years.......that's snake oil????......do the sums mate.

    BTW, the whole package being offered in the video you were so kind to post was $27 + $3 for shipping....that's snake oil?

  16. #8576
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Bus tour issues? Yeah, because people got time for unconventional travel solutions.

  17. #8577
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    .... McKibben is just following Gore's lead.. and since you like to hitch your wagon to those shysters....

    Fibbing About His Viewership, Al Gore's Credibility Took Another Beating This Week - Forbes

    You did watch Gore's TV thing, right?

  18. #8578
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    First he does, now he doesn't even though he does.....

    Democrat Senator Patrick Leahy proposes warrantless searches of e-mail by government agencies and then backs off support after a vote on the bill is scheduled which allows his bill to pass if voted in while he can deny any responsibility... One of many politician's tricks......

    Senate bill rewrite lets feds read your e-mail without warrants | Politics and Law - CNET News
    November 20, 2012
    Senate bill rewrite lets feds read your e-mail without warrants

    Proposed law scheduled for a vote next week originally increased Americans' e-mail privacy. Then law enforcement complained. Now it increases government access to e-mail and other digital files.

    Revised bill highlights

    ✭ Grants warrantless access to Americans' electronic correspondence to over 22 federal agencies. Only a subpoena is required, not a search warrant signed by a judge based on probable cause.

    ✭ Permits state and local law enforcement to warrantlessly access Americans' correspondence stored on systems not offered "to the public," including university networks.

    ✭ Authorizes any law enforcement agency to access accounts without a warrant -- or subsequent court review -- if they claim "emergency" situations exist.

    ✭ Says providers "shall notify" law enforcement in advance of any plans to tell their customers that they've been the target of a warrant, order, or subpoena.

    ✭ Delays notification of customers whose accounts have been accessed from 3 days to "10 business days." This notification can be postponed by up to 360 days.

    snip============================================== =============
    November 20, 2012 12:35 PM PST
    Leahy scuttles his warrantless e-mail surveillance bill | Politics and Law - CNET News

    Leahy scuttles his warrantless e-mail surveillance bill

    After public criticism of proposal that lets government agencies warrantlessly access Americans' e-mail, Sen. Patrick Leahy says he will "not support" such an idea at next week's vote.

  19. #8579
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Wow, someone is wanting to have a look at your dirty underwear, and the Plebs are revolting....LOL.......if you can't take that kind of heat, the kitchen is no place for a wimp.

    First of all, don't be prat and commit your points of view to an email or any form of correspondence that, like dirty underwear, can be taken down and used against you....in a court of law of course.

    The old cliche of, "If you don't want to do the time, don't contemplate doing the crime", is the very nuts of having a squeeky clean mind, computer hard drive and a little black note book, all of which with the naughty stuff committed to record will hang you if the right people have a peek at it.

    In the land of the free, or where time stands still for no man, the very aspect of having a private life is so dear to some that they would outwardly blaspheme the holy books of all and sundry and then expect to have their "works" protected from Federal agencies' prying eyes that only seek to maintain law and order from those that are actively thwarting it.

    An example could be someone who has thousands of child porn photos on their hard drive ( and your grandchildren are there too) and are a bit edgy when someone with good intentions wants to wipe the floor with them.

    I would say that in an ideal World, all hard drives would be open to the public, and those that weren't are prime suscpect to shenanigins etc.

    With senator Leahy...."methinks he doth protest too much", certainly where there's smoke there's fire in this case, and if the truth be known he's standing up for some who have vested interests in maintaining a secret life, lawfull or otherwise.

    All those that have dirty underwear and like it, expect to be bodily searched and exposed for all the World to see by those that need to have access without prior authority.

    If you knew your next door neighbour had paedophilic tendencies and material or was trafficking in Cocaine, would you fight to the last drop of your blood to protect his/her divine right to silence and secrecy?.......you'd have to be a nutcase to answer YES.

    Big Brother mayb be watching you for the very best reasons, but you put him there for that purpose, so why do you now complain when he see you up to no good?

    Without Big Brother watching over you, the Urban Terrorist living next door to you is a reality that can happen, and terrorists etc, do not pick their targets with too much care.

    If you were aware that your next door neighbour was a practicing paedophile and preyed on the local kids would you be happy having him that close.... a drinking buddy with kinky habits, a bit flaky but drinks the right stuff etc etc.....I definately don't think so......in fact I think you'd like the local cop force to walk right in, no warrant at all, and have a look at his dirty underwear, despite his right to privacy etc, and ESPECIALLY IF HIS SKIN WASN'T THE RIGHT SHADE OF PALE that you relate to.

  20. #8580
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Burt Rutan on Global Warming...

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