Hi All!

I need help interfacing Prototrak Servo amp with a KFLOP

I picked up an Acer 3hp mill with Prototrak M2 controller at auction that looked to be in great shape except it had a big surprise: the computer had been pulled out of the pendant. Everything else existed on the machine including the CRT screen, front panel and servo units on the X and Y axis.

Once discovered, I was left with a few options
1. Buy a new prototrak pendant
2. Use an aftermarket motion controller and interface with the existing encoders and servo amps
3. Complete new system including motion controller and new amps

option 1 was far too expensive (3k+) which left me to go for option 2 with a KFLOP, at least until the time I realize it is not worth the trouble and just buy new amps. Until then, I am hoping the community here can help me get this system working.

The prototrak servo units are nice in that the encoder, amp, and motor is all housed in one case on the end of each axis. I took the covers off the housings and everything looks to be very clean. It doesn't mean much but at least there isn't anything obviously burnt out.

I have done some poking around with a DMM to determine how the units are wired up.

The servo amps have the following connections:
120VAC (Hot and Neutral)
Limit Switch
Ground (digital)
Ground (Chassis)
Motor +
Motor -

The encoders are Avago HEDS-9000 that have the A and B channels going through a UA9638CP RS-422 Differential Line Driver back to the Pendant

Based on the schematics, the PWM line should be pulsed for CW rotation and the NPWM should be pulsed for CCW rotation.

I currently have the 4 lines from the Encoder being read by a 26LS32 line receiver. I am just using two of the 4 channels at the moment. One thing I need some clarity on is how to use the three state control on this chip.

The KFLOP is setup such that:
PWM is connected to JP6 Pin 5, NPWM is connected to JP6 pin 6
Encoder Channel A from the 26LS32 is connected to JP7 pin7 and Channel B from the encoder is connected to JP7 pin8

I have a separate 5v supply going to the servo amp and encoder.

What do I need to do to setup the KFlop to
1. read the encoders properly
2. output PWM and NPWM signals

Eventually I would like to use Mach3 to control the kflop but need to get the basics working first.

and what else did I miss??? I am a mechanical engineer wearing my very rusty, EE and programming hat.

Thank you in advance for your help!