I own MC 9.1, X level 3 SP1, solids and art, and Onecnc XR2 expert. I use CAD/CAM for 2-3 and 4 axis, no 5 axis stuff yet.

They are both very good pieces of software, really.

If I had to choose only one, Onecnc XR2 hands down.

Before someone yells shill, or reseller, I'll have you know I'm a hobby guy only, no business to support, and I have no connection at all to either company.

Onecnc now has the most user friendly 3-4-5 axis software on the planet. As an example I'll tell you I struggled with 4 axis in MC for several months configuring a post, making axis mistakes (arrows pointing the wrong direction on index etc) and working with that confounding WCS (hardmill tutorial appreciated)

When I got XR2 it took me one afternoon untill I was making g code on the same file.

It is totally intuative with Onecnc, pick a face, choose the machine cycle, press go. It's that simple.

The verify and backplot in Onecnc just smoke MC. I've had several occasions where a gouge did not show in MC verify, so many times I went and bought a 3d party verify.

I've never run Onecnc code through that program (MC utilities 4 axis), no need to. After hundreds of one off programs from Onecnc, I've NEVER had something happen I did not expect. That is a big statement, no doubt, but totally true.

Onecnc does not have yearly fees, free tech support. Online forum help? Hands down Onecnc. No big egos to run you off the road, just fast help when you need it. Need a post? With Onecnc just post the request, solved.

MC? Contact your reseller, get a stock post, if he can't help you configure it post the question on the MC forum and see how far you get.

I've gotten lots of help configuring my MC post from the forum, it is a painful process, adjust post, run code, new problem, new question, back to the forum, but they (forum post gurus) will help. They will not give you a post however.

Onecnc is solid easy to use, powerful CAD/CAM. For the "full" version it is less than HALF the price of MC.

Keep getting opinions, don't take mine as gospel. There are lots of opinions out there.

I think however you will see a trend.