Thanks everyone for the help.

I was originally thinking that around 20-25 IPM was a reasonable number for carving wax on a Taig, the working area being only 12" x 5.5" x 6". So I took a look at the torque graph for my motor and for the torque I would operate at and got the speed (the obnoxious engineers did the graph in N-m and PPS ). Then found a formula for converting PPS into RPMs ( rpm = PPS * step ° /6 ). (not sure why the divid by 6). I took the RPMs / TPI * (24v/30v) and got 48 IPMs.

I added the (24v/30v) myself because the graph was made at 30v.

What shocks me the most, because I'm assuming that no one commenting actually looked up any numbers or did any math, is that you guys guessed it would be around 50 IPMs. I think you guys need to get out a little more That is just scary.

I realize the graphs are for a specific motor-driver combo, so it is really just a useful estimation tool. Yet it gives me an idea if my IPMs were in range with target at 24v.

Between this and the previous calculations, it seems that 24v will be enough.

Thanks again everyone. I've been reading the forum quite a bit and so many people are trying to maximize their setup for speed, I just assumed that was the way to good. Then again, most of the threads I've read are CNC routers. I'm now thinking, and I'm going out on a limb here, that maybe my requirements for carving wax may be somewhat different than theirs . But that's just a guess.

(Thanks to the guy who said I was going about this backwards.)