Hello everybody,

Don't know if this is the right place for this topic, hopefully I'll find somebody who allready walked these steps and could give me a helping hand. I'm so tired, to reinvent the wheel all the time...

I changed my old machine from trapezoidal threaded screws to a new sistem, with T5 belt and pulleys.

The problem that I'm having is that the stepper induce too much vibration into the cariage.
X axis - stepper sits on the chariott and the belt is fixed.
Y axis - stepper sits fixed, and the chariott is hooked onto the belt wich is rotating onto 2 pulleys.

The steppers on their own are fixed onto the parts, with rubber washers so this part of the vibration is eliminated. But, the axle of the stepper still vibrates, and this vibration is led through the directly mounted pulley, and to the belt, and so, to the whole sistem.

Both axis vibrate. Of course Y vibrates abit less then X but still. I do need very smooth motion on the machine, no vibrations allowed.

The vibrations are also increased due to the fact that I use 1:1 ratio, and I have to use microstepping and extremly low speeds. Here my motors increase the vibration.

It seems that I have 2 posibilities:
a. - built a gear ratio sistem 3:1, to increase the speed of the stepper, while reaching same chariott speed
b. - built a flexible sistem between the drive pulley and the stepper

Or is there any C option?

I wouldn't really want to go back to the threaded rods. I would like to stay with the T5 belts.

If anybody hit his head with this problem before me, I would highly apreciate some advices.

Thanks in advance,