I got tired of getting coolant and chips sprayed all over me and decided to build something to control it this weekend. It is about $80 worth of lumber, screws, lights, electrical, shower curtain etc.. etc....

It does the trick in my early testing. It is simple 3mil poly on the sides so that I'm not limited on doing stock longer than the enclosure. I can poke material right through the sides. It doesn't get in the way of mounting anything on the table and is easy to work around. Since it is simple 2x4 construction I can see adding a couple racks on the side for tool storage. I'm also considering adding an LED light under the back of the spindle for better lighting and I've already ordered the parts to add a dual coolant nozzle setup after finding out that one doesn't always do the trick.

My computer is on a caddy with wheels and a storage rack for my TTS tools. Space for my mouse, and control pendant are right at hand. This is one modification that I've always appreciated. Rather than mounting them to the machine I like having them external on the cart. I can roll the combination anywhere around my work space with minimal hassle. Notice.... E-Stop close at hand by my monitor.

I also splurged and installed the new power draw-bar. Other than testing it hasn't seen any use but it works like a charm. The install was fairly painless with the exception of losing a screw down in the spindle which took an hour fishing to extract.