Hi everyone, as I near completion on my first CNC machine (building a 25x25 Solsylva) I have decided to spend a bit of time getting the software configured. I am trying to add a Logitech F310 gamepad to the system for manual jogging and have run into 2 problems I was hoping to get some assistance with.

1) Without posting TONS of config info, hopefully there is enough relevant here to get some help, I have (as root) added the file:
/etc/udev/rules.d/emc_joy.rules file. It contains one line:
SUBSYSTEM="input", mode="0660", group="plugdev"

Here is the HAL section of Solsylva.ini (my main ini)
HALUI = halui
HALFILE = Solsylva.hal
HALFILE = custom.hal
HALFILE = joypad.hal
HALUI = halui
POSTGUI_HALFILE = custom_postgui.hal

Here is the contents of my joypad.hal file:
loadusr -W hal_input -KRAL X-Box

Here is the (relevant) section of:
more /proc/bus/input/devices:

I: Bus=0003 Vendor=046d Product=c21d Version=4013
N: Name="Generic X-Box pad"
P: Phys=usb-0000:00:1f.4-1/input0
S: Sysfs=/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.4/usb2/2-1/2-1:1.0/input/input6
U: Uniq=
H: Handlers=event6 js0
B: EV=20000b
B: KEY=78db0000 400000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
B: ABS=3003f
B: FF=1 7030000 0 0

Now, if I run:

loadusr -W hal_input -KRAL X-Box

I get the entire listing of pins.

I can now start EMC2 and AXIS, go to machine, and "Show hal configuration"
I can click the "watch" tab, select pins, and hit buttons on the controller.
I see the little circles change colors with each button press and I see the values change with joystick movement.

Now, If I reboot the box, nothing works. I get:
halcmd: loadusr -W hal_input -KRAL X-Box
No input devices could be opened. This usually indicates a misconfigured
system. Please read the section 'PERMISSIONS AND UDEV' in the hal_input
:1: hal_input exited without becoming ready

(btw- I read the manpage, everythign it suggests is already done!!)

I have tried rebooting with joypad plugged in, and unplugged, plugging it in after booting. The proc/bus/input/devices output still shows the device exactly correct, but hal can't load it.

If I wipe the entire config out and start again, it works fine ..... until reboot...

Any suggestions for me?

2) I also have this in my custom_postgui.hal file:

loadrt or2 count=2
loadrt mux4 count=1

addf or2.0 servo-thread
addf or2.1 servo-thread
addf mux4.0 servo-thread

setp mux4.0.in0 0
setp mux4.0.in1 25
setp mux4.0.in2 100
setp mux4.0.in3 200

net remote-speed-slow or2.0.in0 input.0.btn-x
net remote-speed-medium or2.1.in0 input.0.btn-y
net remote-speed-fast or2.0.in1 or2.1.in1 input.0.btn-b

net joy-speed-1 mux4.0.sel0 <= or2.0.out
net joy-speed-2 mux4.0.sel1 <= or2.1.out
net joy-speed-final halui.jog-speed <= mux4.0.out

net joy-x-jog halui.jog.0.analog <= input.0.abs-x-position
net joy-y-jog halui.jog.1.analog <= input.0.abs-y-position
net joy-z-jog halui.jog.2.analog <= input.0.abs-ry-position

EMC2 and AXIS both load just fine (indicating no syntax errors I assume, as when i had syntax errors, it wouldn't load!!)

but the joypad doesn't do anything

Any help from the experts here would be SO appreciated!! I have been banging the head against the wall for a few days!!

Thanks very much. -James