Hey guys,

Well I figured it would be easier to just start a new thread on my machine. I GOT IT TODAY!!!! YIPPIE.

Before we get started, I want to make sure I say the intent of this thread is to give an honest review. As many of you may know I got a KT-2525 that I returned do to workmanship.

MACHINE K2cnc.com KG-3925

I just got the machine and am at work so I can’t do much with it. However I have opened up the package and all I can say is A+ for packing. Man they really took there time getting this in the box. I asked that it be shipped apart and each piece is individually wrapped, etc. Screws are with the pieces. NICE.

This think looks HUGE! I have looked at the Y and Z axis and they look good. Again, I won’t know till tonight/tomorrow how everything runs but so far so good.

CNCRob have you gotten yours yet?
