I'd like to know if anyone has fabricated a misting system for a mill or lathe to provide cooling. I'm learning how to use a mill and a lathe I purchased about a month ago and am trying to avoid the mess of flood cooling. I'v experimented with spraying the workpiece with brake cleaner from an arosol (sp?) can. I'm not sure if it's a smart thing to do...... but it seemed to cool the work about 40 degrees. ( Peaked at 160 and cooled it to about 120. ) I was trying to turn some round stock down to a point for a hay fork.... It seemed like a good project in which to learn about running a lathe.
If anyone has any ideas, I'd sure be interested to hear. Or if I should abandon the idea. It would be nice to know befor I destroy my new tooling.... It's cheap tooling but I'd like to make it last... Thanks Everyone!!