
Firstly what a great place this looks. Im not entierly sure Im posting in the right place but this seems the closest forum to find some help on the task I have been given.

I work for a small fabrication workshop where machinery is limited, we dont even own a hand router at this time.

We have been asked to cut out a rounded rectangular shape from 15mm acrylic. As I have no experience in working with this material I am looking for any advice on a suitable hand router and any help on the technique for cutting out such a shape (300mm wide x 500mm high). The idea is to have a template laser cut and then to run the router around the outside. By doing this I am hoping that every shape will come out exactly the same size? Are there any +/- tolerances you can expect from doing work like this?

We will be producing around 3 of these per week and cannot warrant purchasing expensive cnc machinery. Can anyone offer any advice on if this can be done with a good quality bit and router? Also what kind of finish to the edge could be expected? Is there any way of reducing any chipping of any kind?

Any help would be very much appreciated indeed.

Thank you all for your valed time in advance.