I'm considering buying a swiss lathe to run some longer small diameter parts which are difficult on a larger fixed headstock lathe. Does anyone here have much experience with turning acetal parts in their swiss lathes?

How much oil are you losing on your chips? I find that plastics hang onto oil. I've been rinsing off my plastic chips with my makeup water to recapture my water soluble coolant, but I wouldn't be able to do the same with oil.

Is it possible to centerless grind delrin? I've never heard of ground plastic bar stock. I'm not sure I can get the bar ground for my shop. I typically need 0.0005" repeatability on my parts. Do I really need my bars to be ground? Can I sort out my bars by diameter and make guide bushing adjustments between size ranges?

What kind of changeover time should I expect between parts with different stock diameter? I think that most of my parts are quite simple and could be done with a nearly standardized tool set so I'm not too worried about tooling setup time, but I have no idea how long it would take to change out spindle liners and collets in a swiss lathe. How long does it typically take to adjust a guide bushing and other important parts to set up for a bar diameter change?

Thanks for your help guys. I appreciate the great info I got here for my first production acquisition. Now I find myself wanting another machine to opening up some new capabilities for my shop.