Hey Gang,

Just finishing up my last year in school and learning tons. Asked my instructor how to post multiple work offsets and he didn't really know.

anywho,....... what I want is to build the part and have it posted for 3 vice (54 55 56) Currently I copy all the needed operations into a new tool path group and select planes, then 1 (for 55) 2 or 3 etc etc for all three offsets.

This produces the correct posting but each part is completed one at a time. No good. It needs to post each opp once for each offset (ie: spot drill at 54 55 then 56 then drill 54 55 56 etc etc) eliminating excessive tool changes.

To copy each operation three times for each off set and change the planes individually seems cumbersome and ripe for an error.

Gibbs cam has an input field for "Number of vice" which in turn posts offsets for each opp for each vice...........
Any help out there? I'd be greatly indebted to you all AND a rock star in class!! :rainfro:
