I bought a used acra mill that was converted to CNC. Thought it was a good deal, now I'm starting to wonder. It has burned up 2 gecko's so far, both on the X axis. I don't know anything about these. It's a benchtop size machine.

Thought I'd help my son, who's been laid off from work at a machine shop, and has a kid to feed. Figured, give him a way to make money on the side, instead of just throwing money at him. What do they say, give a man a fish, he eats for a day, teach a man to fish, he eats for a life time? But this mill I bought is giving the whole family a headache!

Talked to a tech person at gecko. Nice person, really nice tech person to be so patient to a Mom who doesn't have a clue what she's talking about. Tech person suspects we might have a bad motor.

The motors that are on it are OLD. They are big and round. They are nema 34, 400 oz, and 3/8th" shafts - dual shafts at that. Does anybody got any for sale out there? Used is fine if they still run. Like everybody else on earth with a sad story of tough economic times, the lower the price the better. My kid would like to convert to servo's someday, but will stay with more affordable steppers for now, while it's on Mom's loan company, until he is on his feet enough to buy better stuff.

Also, if anyone has any advice on what to check out on the machine, I'd appreciate it. I suggested the bigger hammer method of machine repair, but everybody must be over frustrated, because none of my family found that funny.

If any of you are in Minneapolis, MN area and are good at fixing, building, diagnosing these things, I know a young man who would like to be your best friend.

imaracingmom AT yahoo DOT COM