
I have a taig CNC mill with Xylotex controller & I am running it from EMC.

I was using my mill a few days ago with no problems what soever. I was milling wood (pine). Then all of the sudden the z axis stuck. No reason that I could see. The rapid for the z was only set at like 12IPM. So I did some research.

I found people suggesting that it could be a loose Gib. So, I took the head assembly off and checked my Gib. Sure enough it was a little loose. I re-installed and re-adjusted it till it would move freely yet had no side to side movement. Get the mill back together completely and try the z out, it was no better at all. Still sticking even at like 8 ipm.

So I did some more research and found people suggesting that the pieces that hold the z axis assembly on the z slide could be loose. I checked mine and it was indeed a little loose. So I tightened it up (only by hand). The z axis assembly was able to slide up and down by hand without too much difficulty. So I put the motor back on and got it all set back up. Tried it out at 12 ipm still sticking, not as bad though. Lowered the speed down to 11 ipm and it seemed to be ok. So I set up a part and started to mill it. The z worked without sticking for like 1 up movement & then skipped some steps.

This leaves me unsure of what to try next. Which is why I am posting for HELP! :drowning:

Oh yeah, the sticking (missing steps) problem seems to only be with upward travel, down is fine.

